Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3086

"Why are you here?" Anyin looks at Rongxun and feels sad when she thinks of her grandfather's worry.

"Anyin, you can't ask about me." Rong Xun glanced at an Yin with a stern look.

Anyin nodded his head. Rongxun was a soldier. His affairs involved military secrets every minute. Anyin understood, "do you know what happened to my mother and my father?"

Rong Xun Mou son a dark, "know."

If it wasn't for the old man, how could he and his brothers become "rebels".

Anyin said, "but you can live."

Although anyin didn't know what Rongxun had gone to do, he couldn't come back after something happened to Rong Xun's family. Anyin had made the worst plan, that is, Rongxun died.

Rong Xun looked back at an Yin and said, "my life is cheap, it's not so easy to hang up. It's you. What's the matter

Anyin is silent.

Seeing that anyin didn't speak, Rongxun turned his head and looked at her again. "What's going on?"

"I was pregnant with a child. I was afraid of being killed by Mu Shichang, so I left Mu's home and hid in Africa. I wanted to be a medical aid in Africa like my elder martial brother. I gave birth to the child and made plans. But something happened..."

Anyin didn't want to mention this, but she knew that Rongxun was shrewd. She could not deceive Rongxun by making up a lie.

Rong Xun's heart suddenly hurt, "what's the matter?"

"A large area of epidemic disease happened there. I was sent to a village. I found that the disease in that village was strange. I took some blood and tissue samples and planned to send them back to the Research Institute. As a result, a group of armed forces came to slaughter the village in the evening Then I ran away... "

Anyin said simple, but in the middle of the hardships, Rongxun can think of, is speechless heartache, looking at an Yin abdomen.

Anyin felt Rong Xun's eyes, and her eyes were red. She said softly, "the child is gone..."

Rongxun's hand holding the steering wheel couldn't help tightening, "what disease is that village?"

An Yin said: "you know the human experiment base of underground metamorphosis."

Rong Xun quickly looked at an Yin, "so?"

An Yin said: "there are some special viruses in that base. When I was in Seoul, I studied the virus with my professor. The symptoms of the patients in that village are very similar to those infected by the virus."

"Does the other party know who you are?"


Rong Xun suddenly understood why an Yin escaped, because she discovered the secret of the other party

They're going to kill her.

"What are your plans now?"

"They killed aunt Yang, who was dependent on me, and let my son..." Anyin didn't want to mention the tragic death of her son again. She couldn't say anything about it. She took a deep breath and said, "I want revenge, but my strength is too weak..."

Rongxun is silent. If anyin is really in trouble with that organization, no matter where she goes, she will be in a very dangerous situation. If she wants to revenge, they can only kill the organization.

An Yin looks at Rong Xun's side face. His eyes are long and narrow under the brim of his hat. His nose is high and straight. His lips are thin and his lines are cold and hard.

"I've lost my luggage, I don't have a passport. And I came here illegally without a visa... "

Rong Xun said, "well.".

The placement of anyin is a headache.

The special forces led by Rongxun could not return to China or leave anyin before the mission was completed.

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