Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3083

The next day, as expected, more people developed symptoms.

On the third day, the condition of those who first appeared symptoms was controlled, and some even began to improve rapidly.

Due to the presence of symptoms from time to time, not only the stowaways, but also the crew, an Yin's status suddenly soared. Even though the hostile eyes have been wandering around anyin, there is an example of Jimy in the front, and those people know that if they are infected, they have to rely on anyin to save their lives.

Therefore, in the following days, no one dares to make an Yin's idea.

The captain was afraid that anyin would be infected and even arranged a separate cabin for her to rest.

Everyone is likely to be infected. Anyin's actions are unrestricted and she can walk around on the boat at will.

Anyin lent people the opportunity of inspection and treatment. She overheard some conversations secretly and knew that the crew were all human traffickers.

There are men and women, old and young, in the cabin. Only a few of them can be seen, but they can only see through.

It can be concluded that these people are not selling quseqing places, nor are they selling coolies.

There are two possibilities in anyin's brain: human organs and experiments

On the fifth day, some people had recovered, but Yan Mu's condition was sometimes good and bad. Yan Mu had a few tantrums. However, Yan Mu was infected by a pig and a woman, which was more serious than other people's ordinary contact with the infection. It was also reasonable that Yan Mu wanted to strangle anyin, but he was afraid to kill anyin. He could not live. He could only suppress his anger again and again.

And the captain seems very happy to see yanmu only stay in bed, not only not difficult to anyin, but also more pleasant to anyin.

There were only dozens of people on board. There were not many patients. In addition, an Yin was young, and the food was good. After a few days, he recovered a lot.

Anyin kept the disease under control, afraid that those people would not keep their promise, and lied to them that they were under control but had not been cured, so she dragged them to the shore.

Seven days later, we could see the coast.

These people have not a good stubble, on the shore, they will not let her go.

Anyin quietly poured the medicine into the sea, so that no one could know that there were medicinal ingredients other than those on board.

Then take out the ring with anesthetic needle from the bell and put it on.

When the boat came to shore, there were more than 100 people with guns waiting under the boat.

The men got on the boat and started catching people.

The stowaways realized that something was wrong and struggled, but they were soon subdued by violence.

At the same time, several people rush up and hold an Yin.

Yan Mu appeared in front of an Yin, "this woman, is mine."

The men looked at yanmu and nodded.

Yan Mu was ill for a few days. Although he was alive, he was still weak. He did not have the strength to toss anyin now. But looking at an Yin's eyes, he was full of bad intentions.

"Catch this woman and watch it. When I'm ready, I'll take care of her."

There are more than 100 people on the other side, so we can't force them. Anyin doesn't resist.

Anyway, it takes a few days for yanmu to be cured. These days, she can always find a way out.

Although yanmu has no strength, but looking at an Yin's indifferent appearance, he thinks that an Yin has been facing his bad face these days, and his chest anger surges up. He raises his hand and wants to slap an Yin in the face.

An Yin looks at Yan Mu's raised hand and hands become fists.

She can't show her strength now. She can't avoid it.

At this time, a low alcohol cold voice came: "Yan mu, this woman is not you can move."

PS: Thank you. I'm a little fairy!!

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