Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3079

Those people came down to take the medicine. After hearing an Yin's words, they were skeptical, "are you a doctor?"

"Yes, I am a doctor." An Yin nods.

At this time, someone came running, look panic, called: "Yan Mu also vomit."

Anyin doesn't know who yanmu is, but according to their expressions, the person named yanmu should be their people, not the one to be sold by them.

"A large area of vomiting is very likely to be an infectious disease. If it is not controlled in time, all people may be infected," he said

There are people running in a hurry, said: "there is a piggy smoking very strong, as if not."

Those people's faces changed, and immediately someone ran to check

an Yin said, "let me have a look."

those people hesitated for a while, led ANN to pass, anyway, people could not run away on board, anyway, they has the final say.

Anyin quickly stepped into the cabin, ran straight into a ball, the man twitching on the ground, turned his eyelids and said, "I need medical equipment."

Medical equipment is necessary for going to sea.

Moreover, there are people on board who can understand medicine, but their medical skills are not so good that they can't do anything about this sudden and large-scale disease.

The medical staff immediately handed his medical equipment to an Yin. He didn't think an Yin could be more useful than him, but now he didn't know what kind of diseases these were. It was always good to have a look at them.

Anyin put on her stethoscope and did a simple examination. Her face changed slightly and looked at the medical staff. "I think you should know what the disease is."

The man did know that it was a common infectious disease among the poor in Africa, and it spread very quickly and had a high mortality rate.

Everyone has been looking at the medical staff, the medical staff look a little ugly.

Anyin went on: "then you should know that if their condition is controlled within three hours, they will dehydrate and cause death. And people who have been in contact with them have a high probability of being infected. "

The captain came over, holding a towel in his hand, covering his mouth and nose, and looking at the medical staff, "is what she said true?"

The medical staff nodded, "it's true."

As soon as the words came out, both the sick and the uninfected in the cabin panicked, because they had more or less contacted the patients.

The captain's face changed. "Then why do you treat them quickly?"

"We don't have any medicine to treat this disease," the medical staff said It's not myrrh, but the disease is very difficult to treat everywhere. He doesn't know how to treat it.

The faces of the people on the ship became very ugly.

An Yin said: "I am a medical aid, I can treat them."

Captain: How did you get on our ship

An Yin: "there was an accident in our team. I'm here. But these explanations are meaningless. It won't take me long to see if the patient is here

Captain, "well, you cure them."

An Yin did not immediately start to save people, said: "I can give them treatment, but I have conditions."

Captain: what conditions

An Yin: "you can't touch me. You must respect me. Otherwise, we will die together. I think you've had a lot of contact with yanmu. "

The crew's face changed. If these pigs died, they could be thrown into the sea. But yanmu was the person in charge, and his father's was the leader of the Hei I gang. If yanmu died, they would all die.

PS: there will be less time for tomorrow.

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