Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3077

Although aunt Yang's body is in the cave and will not be removed, anyin is heartbroken at the thought that Aunt Yang's body has been eaten beyond recognition by wolves.

He settled his mind, argued the direction, kowtowed to the direction of the mountain, "aunt Yang, you are wronged again, and I will collect the corpse for you when I avenge."

From the days when she and aunt Yang fled, I knew something about the people who pursued her.

She had no enmity with those official people. Those people pursued them not because she found their secret, but because she had collected money for others.

In either case, those were the people she had to deal with.

She is now alone, no money and no power. With her own strength, it is impossible to deal with those people. To deal with those people, we have to make long-term plans.

Leave here, take good care of yourself, and then think of ways to use the contacts she can use and plan step by step.

She had just given birth to a child and had been struggling for a long time. She was already exhausted. Now, she was thirsty and hungry.

Anyin looks at the bonfire in the distance, and then looks at the sea. There is a faint shadow. It should be a boat.

Those people, if there is no accident, should be those who are going to sneak in.

She has no luggage, no money, only some medicine hidden in the jade bell.

Most of the illegal immigrants are refugees, and they don't have so much kindness.

There is no free lunch. Even in the past, those people would not take her in, let alone take her away.

Anyin tries to keep away from the crowd around the bonfire and gets close to the boat.

The boat was old, paint was falling everywhere, but it was not small.

Anyin doesn't know where the boat is going, but as long as she can get out of the sphere of influence of her pursuers, she can find a way to contact her brother or grandfather.

When anyin thought of this place, she couldn't help thinking of Qin Jian.

I don't know if Qin Jian's injuries have all healed, whether he and Jinpeng are still in 404.

An Yin's look darkened.

I really miss him.

It would be hard for him to know that they once had a child, but the child could not be saved.

Anyin lifted her hand to wipe away the tears and climbed on the boat quietly.

There's no one on the boat. It looks like they're all over the campfire.

Anyin finds the kitchen, listens up for a while, confirms that there is no one. She sneaks in and takes a bottle of water and food in the refrigerator.

She was a medical student. She knew that the more hungry she was, the more she should pay attention to when she ate. So she suffered from hunger, drank some water first, and then took a bite of bread.

Although the reason knows that we can't eat too fast, but when we are hungry, we can't take care of it. After biting a bit of bread, we feel even more hungry, and we can't help but gobble it up.

I choked when I ate too fast. I almost closed my breath.

Finally, I eased my breath, leaned against the refrigerator and sat down with tears flowing down.

It's been half a year. I've been living in hell.

Without Qin Jian's protection, she is really what is not.

Third young master

An Yin gently read Qin Jian's name and couldn't help crying in a low voice.

Suddenly, there was a voice.

An Yin looks out of the window and sees that the people have extinguished the fire, and Zhenglu continues to walk on the boat.

She knew she was going to sail.

Quickly took some food and water, left the kitchen, bending down the stairs.

When she was looking for food just now, she found that there was a cabin for stacking goods.

Generally, the smuggled ship is not so large, so it is very likely that this ship is also involved in smuggling.

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