Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3074

Let the old man go to Rong Zhen's room. Rong Zhen sits by the window and stares out of the window, as if he is ignorant of everything.

Let the old man step forward, "is there nothing worth mentioning in your heart, except for the old man?"

Rong Zhen did not respond.

"Don't you know that anyin has been missing for more than half a year, and there's no news. You don't know whether it's life or death. Can't two children, in your heart, compare with that man? "

Rong Zhen eyes slowly congealed with tears, but still did not say a word.

Rong Laozi sighed, turned away, went back to his room, turned on his mobile phone, and called out the photos of anyin and Rongxun.

One has no message, the other can't have a message.

Two children, he is looking forward to news, but also afraid of news.

Before the plan was completed, Rongxun had news, which was death news!

But anyin, life or death is uncertain, who knows whether it is good news to find her or death

Aunt Wang knocked on the door: "old man, the evening Jin speech is coming."

Let the old man look light, now only mu Jin Yan to play chess with him, can make him feel better.

Up and out of the room, did not see the evening Jin said, "people?"

"Aunt Wang said," in the yard, he said the weather is fine today, it's better to breathe in the yard. "

"No problem." Let the old man hold the chessboard and go downstairs.

There is a wheelchair in the courtyard. The young man in the wheelchair is very handsome. He raises his head slightly and looks at Rong Zhen sitting by the window. His heart is a little sad.

He had been hoping that his mother would drag her out of her old home, but when he came out, his heart was left behind.

The evening Jin speech hears the footstep sound of the downstairs, tidies up the bad mood, looks at the stair mouth calmly, waiting for the elder son to appear, then smiles slightly, the facial expression is genial.

Let the old man set up the chessboard and ordered Aunt Wang to fry some small dishes, leaving the evening Jin to talk about the midnight snack.

In the middle of the game, Mr. Rong asked, "do you want to keep losing business?"

Mu Jin said with a smile and gave a son: "money, things outside the body, should be used when it should be used. The loss is the place, and the right place should be used. It's your turn, master

Rong Laozi looked up at the young man in front of him. He never looked at him in his whole life, but he never understood Mu Jin's words.

Mu Jin Yan deliberately let the business lose money. He really didn't understand what he wanted to do.

"If you play chess with my old man like this, you're not afraid of being talked about by others?"

Rong Laozi said implicitly, but mu Jin Yan knew that Rong Laozi was referring to twilight Shichang.

Mu Jin said with a light smile: "even if someone can't see it, they will only think I'm on the right and left. But the old man is very cold now, and I can't get any light from it. "

Let the old man funny and angry, "feelings, you are to see my old man joke."

"Come to play chess with you," said Mu Jin

Let's play chess

After a while, the evening Jin speech opens again, "an Yin has news?"

Let the old man give him a hand and sigh.

The evening Jin speech discerns the interest no longer to ask, but in the heart actually like knife cuts general affliction.

Although aunt Yang said that he would be contacted if something happened.

If you don't contact him, it means it's OK.

But he has been flustered recently, and he always feels something is wrong.

But she couldn't get in touch with aunt Yang. She was so anxious that she couldn't do it.

In the past half a year, I feel sorry for her. If I had known that, I would rather let her stay in China.

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