Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3059

But they did not immediately believe that the handsome man was the witch's husband, and still did not speak.

Qin Jian saw that they hesitated and took out a picture of him and an Yin, "she is my love."

The girl in the picture smiles very sweetly.

A 12-3-year-old boy said, "she said she wanted to go home and have a baby."

Qin Jian once told him that he had been searching in Africa for more than half a year, and had visited almost every corner of the land. Now, only this barren land has not been found.

He came here to take a chance. He walked for half a month in a deserted place. When he saw someone from afar, he came to ask him.

He didn't know whether he and an Yin's children were still there, saying that she doubted, but hoped that the children were still there, so that the special features of pregnant women would be easier to identify.

For half a year, his heart sank into the dead sea. Unexpectedly, he heard such a sentence.

In a flash, he caught the boy's arm and asked, "when did you see her? Where did you see it? Do you know where she went

Qin Jian in a hurry, did not pay attention to the strength of the hand, the boy was so painful that he did not dare to cry, but did not dare to say.

Qin Jian found that he lost his temper and quickly let go of his strength. He said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I'm just too excited."

The boy waited for the translator to finish and said, "she went to the mountain. Someone is going to catch her. If you are his husband, go and save her."

Qin Jian's brain was buzzing, "who's going to catch her?"

The herdsmen talked about the situation of the armed forces.

Qin Jian's face changed slightly. He said thanks to the herdsmen and flew to the car, "go."


an Yin watched the armed forces walk up the mountain, hoping that they would not find the cave.

The head of the armed forces saw the wheel marks on a piece of land not covered by shrubs. He immediately asked people to follow the wheel marks, but he looked at the steep hillside on the other side.

But just a glance, he took back his sight and chased forward. The woman with such a big stomach should choose a gentle road.

Anyin looks at them in the direction of the ox cart, but is not optimistic. If they find the ox cart and can't see people, they will search the mountains.

She now hopes that they will search forward, not back.

At the only intersection at the foot of the mountain, there were six cars, each with a person on it.

As soon as they go out, they will be found.

An Yin stopped taking this opportunity to go down the mountain.

At present, it seems that they can only wait until they can't find anyone to leave.

Anyin doesn't know if those people will find the cave and dare not relax at the entrance for a moment.

The cart was stuck in a Cactus Tree and was soon found by the armed forces.

The head of the armed forces looked around. The terrain here is so bad that a woman with a big stomach can't go far.

"Search the mountains."

The armed forces, in groups of two or three, spread out in all directions.

The head thought of the steep slope he had seen before. He took several people back and stood at the bottom of the slope for a while and climbed up.

An Yin looks at the armed forces coming up the slope. Her face is tight. She opens the suitcase and takes out two small punches.

These two punches were obtained from the armed forces six months ago.

She gave aunt Yang a, two people one side of the guard at the cave entrance, if found, these two guns either kill the enemy or commit suicide.

PS: understand the mood of the baby to see the plot they want to see, but the article is plain three or two sentences, without rendering, it is not a novel, it is an outline. No matter how good the plot is, there will be no feeling. Good night. The baby will be born tomorrow.

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