Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3054

After a month, aunt Yang and Youyin settled down in the tribe.

This tribe is one of the few people living on animal husbandry here.

The climate here is hot, and farming needs grass. When the grass in a place is finished, it moves forward, so the tribe has been moving along the coastline.

They will not stay in one place for more than a month.

Because they have been wandering, they have avoided those who look for them everywhere.

Anyin did not dare to use medical skills openly, so she disguised herself as a witch maid, and aunt Yang disguised herself as a servant of the witch.

And then use "witchcraft" to cure people.

Most of the medicines used on people can be used on animals. Therefore, in the eyes of herdsmen, "witch" not only protects them, but also their cattle and sheep.

Playing tricks is very suitable in poor and backward places.

Every time before taking medicine, anyin would do some "French style". She mixed the medicine in the "holy water". After a few months, no one doubted her. Instead, she was highly respected.

On this day, the grass of this generation was eaten up, and the herdsmen were packing up and preparing to move to the next place.

An Yin, who is packing things with aunt Yang, suddenly feels the ground shaking.

An Yin immediately looked to the distance, sure enough to see several armed vehicles driving to this side, his face suddenly changed, "aunt Yang."

Aunt Yang is putting her things on the ox cart. Seeing that an Yin looks different, she looks up and sees the armed motorcade. She can't help but "cluck".

The car drives very fast. In a twinkling of an eye, I can see the people on the car.

The costumes are the same as those in Tu village.

An Yin's heart pounded away.

At this time, she has reached the due date, and may give birth at any time.

Don't say she can't run with her big stomach now. Even if she can, she can't run.

What about Aunt Yang

An Yin was also flustered, "gamble."

They live together with herdsmen. In addition to the hot and sunny climate, their skin turns dark. They are no longer as tender as before. However, the skin of yellow people is different from that of black people.

She picked up the burnt ash and smeared it on her face. Aunt Yang did it in a hurry.

He blackened his skin and painted his face and hands with charcoal strips.

They often do this when they are "doing things". Therefore, the herdsmen do not doubt their actions. Instead, they think that an Yin is praying for their migration.

The motorcade stopped and the men got out with guns.

The herdsmen looked at their ferocious appearance and stood in a heap of terror and looked at the visitors in horror.

The visitors glanced at the herdsmen and looked at their cattle and sheep.

Then someone came and asked the herdsmen to kill the cattle and sheep and light the fire to roast them.

Anyin understands that these people are passing by. When they see cattle and sheep, they come to grab food.

The herdsmen did not dare to disobey. They killed a cow without saying a word and roasted two sheep for them to eat.

When they saw that the herdsmen were obedient, they were not too embarrassed. They just picked a few well-looking young herdsmen to serve them.

The head of the armed forces looks down on an Yin who shrinks behind him and walks over.

Standing beside anyin, aunt Yang's nervous heart would jump out of her throat.

The herdsmen changed their faces when they saw the head of the armed forces marching towards anyin. In their view, blasphemy against the witch should be punished by heaven.

A large group of people knelt down, and aunt Yang quickly knelt down, leaving only an Yin standing there.

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