Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 2902

"All right." Anyin bandaged the wound, "does the old man have any other orders? If not, the little girl will leave first. "

"Go, go." Cang Zhao looked at her bandaged arm, and her face was better.

Anyin goes away to change clothes and leaves time for mu Jinyan.

crow slowly see Ming Jie still pestle beside, eyes stare, "are you idle?"

Mingjie is afraid to neglect Cang curl, just stay here, was Cang curl a stare, aggrieved almost burst into tears, busy way: "not idle, not idle, master, you talk first, I will withdraw."

"Go, go, go." Cang Zhao drives away Mingjie like a duck, then looks at the evening Jin and sighs.

Although his medical skills are superb, he can't avoid being poisoned into his skin for years. As time goes by, the muscles on his hands become rigid because of the poison.

I can't stand the operation, but I can't stand it.

Because of this, the later treatment of Mu Jin Yan will be given to his nephew Xiang Shaolong.

"Shifu, you are so old. Why do you use your body to try the knife?"

"You don't have to try it yourself. How can you know how capable she is? Xiang Shaolong dares to let her do this operation." Cang curl looked at his wrapped arm, "this girl is also impressive."

He stabbed the prick into the skin, and the thorn was very thin and easy to break.

If you don't open your mouth in the direction of the thorn into the meat, you can't pull it out completely even if you have caught the thorn.

In addition, even if the angle of the knife is right, if the hand is unstable and the force is uneven, it will be broken, unless the knife reaches the end, but in that case, the wound will be very deep.

But anyin, just press a few, you can confirm the angle of the stab into the meat, and there are not many wounds, just show the thorn head.

When she pricked, her hands were crisp and smooth.

It's not easy to have this ability at a young age.

With such a stable hand, Mu Jin Yan's operation is half successful.

Cang curl praises an Yin and stares at dusk Jin saying, "if you are a boy, you can be better than her if you are not full of money and money at the beginning and study medicine well."

The evening Jin Yan Ren Cang curl scolds, a word does not refute.

Wait for Cang curl to scold finish, just light way: "master, I miss you very much."

The evening Jin speech usually does not say the flesh numb words the person, he can say this, is to hit the heart to think of him.

Sighed, "such a big thing, you don't want to say a word to me."

Mu Jin is silent.

Told him, it's just one more person to worry about. It's better to talk about it after the operation.

The door of the operating room opened and the nurse came out. "The operation is about to start."

Cang curl nodded her head and patted her shoulder. "Operating room, I can't go in. You can't fight. I'll go to ah Kun's room to watch TV."


Cang curl left, the nurse pushed the evening Jin speech into the operating room.

Armed anyin, solemn and full of youthful breath.

Mu Jin Yan happily smiles. Even if he is gone, an Yin can take good care of himself.

Lying on the operating table, an Yin gave him a reassuring smile, "we are going to start."

"Good." Mu Jin said calmly looking at the overhead light.

An Yin looked at the time, "start anesthesia."

A few minutes later, the anesthesiologist said, "anesthesia was successful."

The operating door opened, and Xiang Shaolong, also dressed in the operating room, came in.

Xiang Shaolong originally decided to use remote monitoring to track the operation.

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