Sweet Wife Pampering Heaven: President, Deeply in Love

Chapter 765

"Xiaoqing, a few years ago, he sent me to prison with his own hands, just rejected me. If he had the slightest affection for me, why did he send me to prison? Although I know that I have committed a heinous crime, but It is a cruel and tragic thing to be sent to prison by the person you love the most..."

"Wan Wan, I know everything..." Ji Qing was interrupted before she could finish speaking.

"Xiaoqing, do you know? When I found out that I was pregnant with his child, I was really happy. Although he doesn\'t love me, at least I have his child..."

"At that time, I often told myself that if the child is with me, it means that he is with me, but the fact is always cruel. Although the child is by my side all the time, it cannot replace him."

"I don\'t have any extravagance now. I just hope that he will live a good life. In the past few years, I have not appeared in his sight. Then, from now on, I will not appear in his sight. I It will reduce his sense of existence and prevent him from knowing the existence of our mother and daughter."

Ji Qing wanted to say something else, but Lin Wanhan changed the subject: "By the way, Xiao Qing, how old are Chichi and Tiantian this year? If I\'m not wrong, they got married before you left Gu Jishen." Are you pregnant?"

Seeing that she changed the subject, Ji Qing didn\'t pester her anymore, but replied seriously: "Yes, I was pregnant before I left him, and I didn\'t know I was pregnant until after I left him."

"Xiaoqing, I heard some bad rumors four years ago, but I firmly believe that you will not kill Mr. Gu! There must be some misunderstanding about that matter!" Lin Wanhan\'s voice was firm.

Ji Qing pursed her lips: "Wanwan, do you trust me?"

Lin Wanhan nodded without thinking: "Xiaoqing, I believe in you, you will definitely not kill Mr. Gu, someone must have wronged you!"

The corner of Ji Qing\'s mouth raised a slight arc: "Wan Wan, you are so kind."

Lin Wanhan\'s eyes were wet all of a sudden: "Xiaoqing, you are good, I am not good at all, I did so many things that hurt you, if I applaud you, the world will Wouldn\'t there be no good people?"

"Wanwan, I don\'t allow you to say that, you are the best, the past has passed, let it pass, and we don\'t want to keep thinking about it, okay?"

Lin Wanhan froze for a moment, then nodded, choked up and said, "Okay..."

A doting smile appeared on the corner of Ji Qing\'s mouth, and while wiping her tears, she said with a smile: "You are already a mother, and you are still crying. If the children come out and see it, they must not laugh at you." ah?"

Lin Wanhan laughed while crying: "Xiaoqing, you are still so humorous..."

"That\'s right, how can you make you laugh so happily without being humorous?"

Lin Wanhan sighed: "Xiaoqing, to be honest, you are really good. Fortunately, I didn\'t lose your good girlfriend..."

"Silly Wanwan, you\'re fine too. Fortunately, I didn\'t lose you as a good girlfriend..."

Lin Wanhan suddenly thought of something, and said suddenly: "By the way, Xiaoqing, the spearhead of that incident back then was pointed at you. Everyone in the Gu family thought you killed Mr. Gu. Now you are back , they won\'t come to trouble you, will they?"

A look of grievance appeared on Ji Qing\'s face: "Oh..."