Sweet Wife Pampering Heaven: President, Deeply in Love

Chapter 699

At this moment, Ji Qing\'s whole heart was melted.

This baby is so cute...as cute as Mengbao...

But the boy is very indifferent, it has only been two days, and there is no smile on his face...

What can I do when I grow up? Wouldn\'t it be like Gu Jishen, putting on an indifferent face all day long?

Thinking of this, surprise flashed across Ji Qing\'s eyes, she rubbed the baby boy\'s head, and said softly, "Baby, you must smile more!"

The baby boy blinked, then blinked again, and grinned.

A smile appeared on Ji Qing\'s face, it seems that her baby is not very indifferent...

At least smile at her!

Ji Qing tilted her head and thought for a while, what should the child\'s name be?

After a long time, Ji Qing looked at the baby girl and said, "Your name is Gu Yi Nian, okay? Nian Nian... Xiao Nian Nian..."

Ji Qing looked at the baby boy for a moment, then said, "Your name is Chi Shen, okay?"

Although she is unwilling to change her surname back to Chi, because Gu Jishen\'s name bears her surname, she is willing to let her child\'s surname be Chi.

Gu Yinian.


It means that she misses Gu Jishen, misses him very much all the time.

Want it so so much……

really want to...

Although the baby boy hasn\'t fully grown yet, it looks almost exactly like Gu Jishen...

If it blooms in a few months, wouldn\'t it be carved out in the same shape as Gu Jishen?

Now that she has a big name, she wants to give her two children a nickname.

But she couldn\'t think of it for a while...

Let\'s wait until she thinks it out...

After she finished confinement and her body recovered, Chi Junhan chose a few plays for her to choose.

Chi Junhan said that as long as she chooses well, she can directly enter the crew as the lead actress without auditioning.

But she refused, and she said that only by going on with her own strength can she go further and further.

If there is no strength, no matter what path you take, you will not go far.

Chi Junhan planned to persuade her at first, but she said she had made up her mind.

Although Chi Junhan loves her very much and doesn\'t want her to work so hard, but after all, it\'s what she wants, and he won\'t stop it.

No matter what she wants to do, he will fully support her.

Ji Qing went to the crew to audition.

On the third day after the audition, Ji Qing received a call.

It was from the crew.

He said that she is very talented in acting, she must be the number one female lead, and asked her to go to the production team in a few days to prepare for filming.

When Ji Qing heard the good news, she was overjoyed. She jumped up and ran up to the two babies excitedly, and then kissed them one by one: "Babies, you mommy, I\'ve been taken care of by you!" The crew has chosen!"

After Ji Qing finished speaking, she ran out of the room and saw Chi Junhan sitting on the sofa. She ran over and said excitedly, "Brother, I have some good news for you."

Chi Junhan blinked his eyes, he had already made up his mind, he guessed what the good news was.

It should be the good news that she successfully entered the crew.

With the bottom line in his heart, he didn\'t speak out directly, but pulled her to sit beside him, then took a cup of hot water and put it in the palm of her hand: "Drink the water first, then tell your good news."

Ji Qing looked at the hot water in her palm, took a sip, and put it on the table, she said excitedly: "Brother, the crew called me just now, and they said I had an audition Success, let me be the number one female!"

The corner of Chi Junhan\'s mouth curled up: "My sister is awesome."