Sweet Wife Pampering Heaven: President, Deeply in Love

Chapter 693

Ji Qing was completely stunned, she blinked her eyes.

Didn\'t they abandon her on purpose?

They\'ve been looking for her?

Thinking of this, Ji Qing\'s heart felt sad.

Unexpectedly, they were looking for her all the time, they didn\'t abandon her on purpose...

She actually had to wait until they explained clearly what happened back then before she was willing to recognize them...

How can she do this?

Ji Qing\'s eyes were red, and tears were rolling in them.

Chi Zhenhan\'s heart was pulled hard, and he quickly said, "Baby, don\'t cry..."

Xia Jiulan walked in, and hugged her into her arms: "Baby, don\'t cry, mom is here..."


These words made her unable to bear it anymore, her tears flowed down, she hugged Xia Jiulan tightly, her voice was slightly hoarse: "Mom..."

A trace of excitement appeared on Xia Jiulan\'s face, and she patted her on the back lightly: "Oh, baby is so good..."

She hasn\'t felt the warmth in her mother\'s arms for a long time...

After a long time, Ji Qing left Xia Jiulan\'s embrace, then looked at Chi Zhenhan who was smiling, and choked up, "Father..."

Chi Zhenhan also had a trace of excitement on his face, he gently hugged her into his arms: "Daddy\'s good daughter..."

After Ji Qing left Chi Zhenhan\'s embrace, she looked at Chi Junhan.

She didn\'t know how to get along with this brother.

This brother is as cold as Gu Jishen.

Chi Junhan\'s eyes flashed with deep thought, he strode forward, came to Ji Qing, then stretched out his hands, and embraced her petite body into his arms.

A touch of emotion appeared in Ji Qing\'s eyes, she didn\'t know how to get along with her brother...

My brother actually took the initiative to get along with her...

Her tears rolled down again.

Chi Junhan gently pulled her out of his arms, then looked down at her, and helped her wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, with a warm voice: "Don\'t cry, be good."

This sentence is what Gu Jishen once said to her...

Thinking of this, Ji Qing cried more and more.

Chi Junhan was a little at a loss. He had never coaxed anyone before, so he tried to coax her again: "Hey, don\'t cry...you won\'t be pretty if you cry..."

Ji Qing cried more and more, she hugged him tightly and cried fiercely.

Chi Zhenhan frowned, then looked at Chi Junhan coldly: "Did you bully your sister? Why is your sister crying non-stop now?"

Chi Junhan expressed that he was also puzzled, but he ignored Chi Zhenhan, and continued to coax the person in his arms: "Is he going to bully you? Tell brother, brother will bully you back!"

This sentence sounds domineering, but she feels very warm.

Ji Qing rubbed against Chi Junhan\'s arms, then whispered: "Brother..."

elder brother……

She called him brother...

She finally called him brother...

He thought she would never call him brother, but who would have thought that she would actually call him brother now...

A trace of joy flashed across Chi Junhan\'s eyes, his mood was joyful, but his face did not show the joy in his heart, and he said in a low voice: "Hey, don\'t cry...don\'t cry... "

Chi Junhan continued to wipe away her tears.

But Ji Qing is still immersed in emotion...

Chi Junhan\'s voice was full of warmth: "If you continue to cry, I will continue to wipe your tears."