Sweet Wife Pampering Heaven: President, Deeply in Love

Chapter 667

Ji Qing didn\'t speak, she lowered her head again.

Two hours later, the plane landed.

Lu Xingze carried Ji Qing off the plane, then took a taxi to the villa he bought.

The villa is beautiful, and there is a back garden full of various flowers.

The air is very fresh and beautiful.

But when Ji Qing arrived, she locked herself in the room, unwilling to go out or eat.

She has not eaten for a day.

Lu Xingze stood in front of her room with a worried face, and knocked on the door: "Xiaoqing, why don\'t you come out and eat something? You\'ll be bad for your health..."

No one responded to him.

Lu Xingze\'s eyes flickered, and he said in a cold voice: "Xiaoqing, if you don\'t eat something, then I won\'t be polite to anyone in the Gu family!"


Ji Qing\'s body, curled up in the corner, trembled violently, her nails had already been embedded in the flesh, spilling a trace of blood.

Lu Xingze\'s voice came from the door again: "Xiaoqing, if you are not obedient, I can only attack anyone in the Gu family, but as long as you are obedient, I will definitely not hurt anyone in the Gu family, including Gu Jishen."

Hearing the words Gu Jishen, Ji Qing finally raised her eyes, struggled for a while, then stood up slowly, and opened the door.

A light flashed in Lu Xingze\'s eyes: "Xiaoqing, you finally opened the door..."

After Ji Qing finished opening the door, she returned to the bed and sat down.

There is no blood on her face now, her eyes are empty, as if she has no soul.

Lu Xingze went in with the porridge, put it on the table, and sat down beside her: "Xiaoqing, you haven\'t eaten for a whole day, now you have to eat some no matter what."

Ji Qing didn\'t speak.

Lu Xingze picked up the clear porridge, took a small sip, blew on it, and after the porridge cooled down, he handed it to her mouth, and then he opened his mouth like coaxing a child: "Oh, dear, open your mouth and eat... "

Ji Qing was unmoved.

A look of disappointment flashed in Lu Xingze\'s eyes. After she came, she started to snub him. She didn\'t say a word to him, let alone a word. She didn\'t even look at him, as if he was empty.

But he still coaxed patiently: "Be good, you have to eat a little bit, otherwise it will be bad for your health, I feel sorry for you..."

As soon as Lu Xingze finished speaking, Ji Qing passed out.

"Xiao Qing..." The bowl in Lu Xingze\'s hand fell to the ground, he quickly carried her to the bed and lay down, then called the doctor over.

Ten minutes later, the doctor came.

"Hurry up and see what\'s wrong with her..."

After the doctor\'s examination, he said to Lu Xingze: "Young Master Lu, congratulations, you are going to be a father!"

Lu Xingze\'s body tensed up, and he opened his eyes wide in surprise: "So, she\'s pregnant?"

"Yes, Mrs. Lu is pregnant, and she has been pregnant for two weeks!"

Lu Xingze\'s heart was stabbed severely.

She is pregnant……

But the child is not his, but Gu Jishen\'s...

She left Gu Jishen, but she was still pregnant with Gu Jishen\'s child...

Seeing Lu Xingze\'s sad expression, the doctor blinked, then rubbed his eyes, unable to believe what he saw.

Mrs. Lu is pregnant, shouldn\'t Master Lu be very happy? Why are you so sad? Still look sad?

Thinking of this, the doctor said weakly: "Master Lu, are you unhappy that the young lady is pregnant?"