Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 250

Gu Xiaoran slouched back to the attic.

Cheng Xiaoyue has already packed the soup and sits at the table reading the newspaper, reading the entertainment section.

The front page is printed with a big typesetting - South Korea's little king night wolf enters the Chinese music world!

When Cheng Xiaoyue saw Gu Xiaoran coming back, she immediately pointed to a picture on the front page, dancing vigorously. "Do you look like Tianlei

Slender good figure, a very beautiful dance action, cool to death, let people ignore his face.

But if you pay attention to it, you will find that his facial features, which are weakened by the lighting effect, are as good as his figure and temperament.

Take a closer look, that face is really like Gu Tianlei.

But Gu Tianlei is bright and sunny, while Xiao Tianwang in the photo is cold and fierce. He has a kind of fierce air, just like his code name "Night Wolf".

"Speaking of this Korean little king, he really exists like a God. In less than two years, he became popular throughout Korea. The key is that he is not Korean, but Chinese. This time we have entered the Chinese music world, but we have not yet come here. We have already made a great success, which has reduced the momentum of Xudong, the most popular singer in China. "

"Chinese?" Gu Xiaoran stares at the figure in the photo and can't move his eyes.

"Chinese, if I hadn't seen Gu Tianlei just now, I would have thought he had gone to Korea to be a little king!"

"What's his name?" Gu Xiaoran looked at the photo and frowned slightly.

"I don't know!"

"How could it be?" Gu Xiaoran had some accidents.

Paparazzi everywhere, at any time can be out of the era of human flesh, so red people, will not know the name?

"His economic company is so powerful that he is packaged as a fan like existence. All the past is zero! I only know that he participated in the Korean rookie show two years ago. He wrote and sang a song on the spot. The sound of nature is the same and the face of evil is gorgeous. As soon as he stepped down, he was signed and became popular with a very fast speed. "

Cheng Xiaoyue made a drooling movement, "it's really handsome, another small fresh meat with tender powder!" Speaking of this, he said bitterly, "but Why does he want to grow into Gu Tianlei's face? As soon as I look at his face, I think of the stinky face of that dead boy of Tian Lei and go straight to play - "

" then don't look, have breakfast! " Gu Xiaoran pushed aside the newspaper.

"Do you think uncle Gu has lost his son? Such as illegitimate children... " Cheng Xiaoyue is full of gossip.

“……” Gu Xiaoran took a puff from the corner of his mouth and ate his own breakfast. He was too lazy to pay attention to her.

"Can't it really be Gu Tianlei?" Cheng Xiaoyue looks at that picture, the more she looks, the more she looks.

"He was admitted to Lin'an Medical University two years ago. He should have been in Lin'an Medical University these two years. How can he go to Korea?"

"If I remember correctly, when he was 14 years old, he was already very good at medicine and was regarded as a child prodigy in the medical field. What he learned in the first year of Medical University has nothing to do with medicine. It's only when he was a sophomore that he came into contact with the basic knowledge. When he was five years old, I didn't believe that he could honestly stay with me at Medical University.... "

Gu Xiaoran's hand stopped, but he just shook his head and denied that no matter how hard he was, he couldn't go to Korea.

Gu Xiaoran's mobile phone rings. It's a strange phone call.

"Is that Miss Gu?" The voice of a middle-aged woman came across.

"This is Gu Xiaoran. Who is calling, please?"

"My surname is Dong. I'm the special assistant of Chairman Han's mother."

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