Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 246

She was picked up by Tianlei's mother to take care of her family. Although she had a "home" since then, she never felt so warm or cared for.

But at this time, there is a long lost warmth of being cared for.

Gu Xiaoran closed his eyes and smelled the masculine smell from him.

What happened to her 12 years ago?

The doctor said that she chose to forget, but at this moment, she really wanted to know what she was like before.

Have you ever been with him like this?

Two people quietly close together, no longer speak.


in the underground parking lot of Jinhu Hotel, just as Han Ke was about to open the door, a pretty figure came out from behind the car.

"Mr. Han! Some days are gone. "

This sound, let Han Ke know that she is not Gu Xiaoran.

Han Ke looked at the same face as Gu Xiaoran, and immediately laughed, "why is Miss Anne here?"

she looks as like as two peas, but when they pay attention, they will find them completely different.

Gu Xiaoran is sweet and witty, but she is cold and charming.

"Just about to leave, when I saw president Han's car, I came to say hello. It's better to meet by chance. Have a drink? "

"Good! Where to drink? "

"I have a good bottle of wine in the opposite bar, or will I go to the opposite bar?"

"Miss Anne will go wherever she likes, but I'll buy the wine."

Xiaopian smiles and walks to the gate of the parking lot.

Han Ke quickly closed the car door and followed.

as like as two peas, Gu Xiaoran is not the same as Xiao ran, but she is a very rare person who can not pick out a single thing. She can get her in the palm and play it as Gu Xiao ran.

Dihao bar.

Han Ke wants to get xiaopian drunk, but xiaopian is not drunk. He is dizzy.

"Mr. Han, you are drunk!"

"I'm not drunk!"

"If you drink any more, you can't even drive."

"It's OK. Let the driver drive when you're drunk."

"In that case, we'll have the last drink, and it's time to break up." Xiao Pian looks at Han Ke with a smile.

Han Ke didn't want to drink any more, but looking at the smiling face in front of him, he drank the big glass of wine in one gulp.

Xiao Pian's slender jade hand put on his shoulder, and the smile in his eyes became deeper and deeper. "I'm dizzy. I'll go first."

Han Ke looked into her eyes, confused, and forgot to call the driver.

"I'll go with you."

Xiao Pian, smiling but not smiling, got up and left.

Han Ke got up faintly and followed her to the parking lot.

Xiao Pian got into his car, fell down the window and winked at him. He was very charming.

Han Ke was a little confused. He watched Xiao Pian's car leave, got on his car and started it.

There's only one thought in my mind - catch up with her, and I'll have a good night.

Xiao Pian's car came out of the parking lot, watched Han Ke's car coming out of the parking lot, and saw a large truck coming. Suddenly, he accelerated his speed. Before the truck arrived, he crossed the road, entered the driveway, and then stopped at the roadside not far away.

Han Ke wants to catch up with Xiao pian. When he notices that the truck is approaching, he is scared to step on the brake.

With a bang, the car suddenly rolled over with a flat tire and hit the truck. The front of the car was smashed flat.

The windows were all over the floor. Han Ke's head was tilted to one side, motionless, and his face was covered with blood.


PS: the chapter at noon is stuck, and I don't know why it doesn't come out. I hope this chapter won't be stuck. Please ask for a recommendation ticket ~ ~

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