Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 242

"There are feelings between people. When he comes all the way to see me not coming home, he will worry about me. And now I don't know what happened to him. How can I say I can't think without thinking? " Gu Xiaoran felt that he and this bastard were not in the same brain circuit.

"Do you want me to invite him here as my future brother-in-law?" Mo Qing pulls out the arrow on the pheasant, rubs off the bloodstain and glances at her coldly.

"No! Even if you bully me, I won't give you a chance to bully my brother! " Gu Xiaoran refused without thinking at all. Gu Tianlei had a mental conflict with the news, and this bastard was so bad tempered that if he put them together, he could not fight a world war?

Mo Qingjun's face sank, and suddenly came up to her. He bent down, shouldered her, picked up the pheasant on the ground, and walked down a narrow and steep path to the depth of the forest.

"Asshole, put me down." Gu Xiaoran saw that his face was blue.

Mo Qing snorted coldly and walked faster.

Gu Xiaoran doesn't know where he's going to take her, but if this bastard gets angry, it won't be good.

The whole Nanwan is his. If he wants to do anything to her here, no one can take care of her even if she breaks her throat.

"This night you said is not that night, you have to keep your word, if not me I... "

"What are you doing?" Mo Qing stares at her in a cool way.

"I'll show you when I die." Gu Xiaoran supported his shoulder, twisting left and right, trying to get off his shoulder.

He didn't think it was a wheeze, slapped her on the butt, "move again, I want you now."

He spanked her?

Gu Xiaoran was frozen.

She's an adult. She's not a three-year-old. How could he spank her?

It's bullying.

After Gu Xiaoran froze, the whole person was going crazy, "son of a bitch, you can bully people just because you are a man and strong? Yes, you'll bully you if you can. What's the matter? You are a shameless rascal

Mo Qing is so angry!

Jun's face was as thick as a cloud of ink, so black that he could scrape out cream.

"I can't stand the anger. I didn't mean to do anything about you, but since your words are all clear to this, it seems that I can't help you to reduce the fire. "

"Bastard, if you don't want to be shameful, I'm angry with you and you're full of" evil fire ", OK? You are a bird or beast, and you have wronged people. You're so hard just now. You're still pretending to be innocent. What are you pretending to be? Am I angry, or are you angry? You want to be a bird or beast. Don't make excuses. "

"I don't know. I have rich experience. Where did I learn?"

"You taught it!"

"It seems that you have learned well. I'll teach you later so that you can learn more."

"No, such a disgusting thing, girl, I'm not interested in it. I don't want to learn it."

Before he finished speaking, the sky suddenly turned dizzily and was thrown into a net with a bang.

Gu Xiaoran brain spoon dizzy for a long time, just reaction come over, oneself lie on a hammock.

The word "net shock" popped up in my mind.

Trembling with fright, he looked at the bastard and saw him walk away with two pheasants.

Gu Xiaoran grabs the edge of the net and looks around. He sees Mo Qing go down the cliff along the path and disappear.

All of a sudden, the brain became a paste.

He left her here. Where is he going?

If you leave her here alone, is it the bastard who has changed his mind and doesn't care about her, or is it planning something abnormal to torture her?

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