Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 231

As long as zhuo'an goes to the edge of the cliff and looks down, she can be seen sitting in Mo Qing's arms.

Although it's impossible that zhuo'an doesn't know the relationship between her and Moqing, knowing and looking at each other face to face are two different things.

Gu Xiaoran was so nervous that his heart was tight. He kept praying that zhuo'an would not come.

Mo Qing leaned up to her ear and breathed softly. In a voice that only she could hear, she said softly, "very nervous?"

She hit a war millet, shake off a chicken skin, side face warning horizontal he looked, whispered, "you let him leave."

If Mo Qing doesn't stop her, zhuo'an will come. She really doesn't want to be more embarrassed in front of others.

"Yes, but I have conditions!" Mo Qing's tone was loose.

"He's coming. I'm not alone."

"He saw me as a child, but I'm afraid of him?"

"What conditions?" Gu Xiaoran gritted his teeth with hatred, a guy who took advantage of others' danger.

"Make a bet with me."

"What's the bet at this time?" The sound of footsteps on the top of his head is getting closer. Gu Xiaoran really wants to slap the bastard to the ground.

"You promised. I'll let him go at once."

"Win or lose?"


"Yes, I promise!" Gu Xiaoran didn't know what kind of gamble he was going to make. He just wanted to solve the problem in front of him.

Mo Qing coughed.

When zhuo'an heard the sound, he immediately stopped, stopped moving forward, stepped back and stood far away from the cliff. When Yang Hong came back, he asked Yang Hong to leave.

Gu xiaoranchang was relieved and then worried.

Thanks to this bastard, her clothes are wet. She can't go back like this. She has to go back to the villa to change her clothes.

The bastard is in the water and doesn't mean to leave.

Even if she borrows his helicopter, she can only park at his small private airport. It will be very embarrassing for her to walk back to her room from the airport like this.

"What do you want to bet on?"

"Archery!" Mo Qing looks into Gu Xiaoran's eyes without any joke.

He picked up the two crossbows beside him and handed her the small one.

Gu Xiaoran was stunned for a moment and took it.

Two crossbows with exactly the same shape, one big and one small, are exquisitely made. They seem to be customized according to the size of hands. The big one is suitable for men's hands, while the small one is suitable for women's hands.

Instinctively, she wanted to say, "I can't shoot."

But when I got the crossbow in my hand, I had an indescribable sense of familiarity.

Mo Qing put her expression in her eyes, and her eyes darkened.

In childhood training courses, the use of cold weapons and guns are equally important.

Qiqi followed him from childhood and naturally learned the art of bow and crossbow that he was good at.

The crossbow in Gu Xiaoran's hand was made for her according to his own crossbow. It was one of her favorite and best used weapons.

"If you win, I'll let you go back. If you lose, stay with me all night, I want you to be willing! "

She opened her eyes and glared at him. Her face was flushed. Did she accompany him all night?

He's been dominating her so many times. Is it enough for him to ask her to be willing?

Gu Xiaoran thought of his strange hobby of recording the whole process in an all-round way, and his head became a pig's head.

"What if I don't?"

"There's no need to gamble. Stay with me tonight. As for what I do tonight and how to play, I has the final say. "

"No way!"

"OK, I has the final say!"

"You are not a bet, you are a bandit!"


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