Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 207

"But Cheng Guoliang doesn't think so."

"Moqing will deal with it."

"Xiao ran, dad doesn't want to be fussy, but I can't help asking about it. What's the relationship between you and Mo Qing now?"

"What relationship does Dad think we'll have?" Gu Xiaoran did not answer the rhetorical question.

Gu Zhengrong opened his mouth, swallowed the words to his mouth and kept silent. After a while, he began to speak again.

"Xiao ran, don't do anything for Dad, let alone marry him. Go to college well, and then find an ordinary man to live. Mo Qing is not your lover Dad would never agree. You're with him

"Because of the collapse of the imperial dynasty?"

"At that time, Shengshi and the emperor were rivals. It was inevitable that they would use some means to attack their opponents. When the emperor fell down, they naturally hated me to the bone, so if you were with him, Mohism would not accept you."

"Dad, I'm only eighteen. Who knows what will happen in the future? You think too much. "

If the Emperor didn't burn anything overnight and just reported the accounts, she wouldn't think much about what her father said, but now she feels that what he said is weak and pale.

There is nothing wrong with the competition between shopping malls, but if it is by improper means, it is not something she can identify with.

She wanted to know the truth behind the fall of the imperial dynasty, but she didn't expect to get an answer from her father with such a vague attitude.

There is no need for this topic to continue.

"Maybe my father thinks too much, but my father still wants to tell you that I can't get too close to Mo Qing in any case."

"Dad didn't want me to get close to Moqing, was he worried that the Mohists would not accept me, or was there any other reason?"

"Of course, I'm afraid that if they don't accept you, you will be hurt."

"What if they accept me?"

"No way!" Gu Zhengrong denied it, but when he spoke, he found that he overreacted and did not go on.

"When did my father know about the fact that Hank and I registered for marriage in the United States?" Gu Zhengrong's reaction made Gu Xiaoran more sure that his father played a very important role in the fall of the imperial dynasty.

"Not long ago!"

"I'll help aunt Hui!" Gu Xiaoran's eyes were dim. He lowered his eyelids and covered his eyes with long eyelashes.

Maybe dad didn't want her to be sad, so he deliberately said that he didn't know until recently.

Although he found a very reasonable excuse, Gu Xiaoran still felt that it was blocked badly.

He got up and went to the kitchen.

An hour later, the meal is on the table.

"At last we can have a good meal."

Gu Xiaoran sat down at the table, picked up chopsticks, and went to stir fry the meat. Since he was engaged to Han Jun, he had never eaten the dishes made by Aunt Hui.

"Have some soup first." Gu Zhengrong gives Gu Xiaoran a bowl of soup.

"Dad, who is Han Jinbiao?" Gu Xiaoran asked coldly.

Gu Zhengrong shook his hand and spilled the soup out of the spoon. "Ah, an old friend."

Gu Xiaoran looked at his father's hand splashed with soup, "what kind of old friend?"

"I've been walking for many years. I don't mind mentioning it." Gu Zhengrong hands the soup bowl to Gu Xiaoran, draws a paper towel and wipes the soup on his hand.

Gu Xiaoran wanted to ask again. The doorbell rang and aunt Hui got up to open the door.

"Aunt Hui!" Cheng Xiaoyue's voice came.

"Here comes Xiaoyue." Aunt Hui let her in, "haven't you eaten yet?"

"Aunt Hui's cooking is the best. When she sees Xiao ran coming to eat, of course she has to eat with her." Xiaoyue went to the table and sat down beside Gu Xiaoran.

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