Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1990

"In fact, Tingting wants to marry her mother and become my father. But Godfather and mother never laugh together. Godfather only smiles when he sees aunt Yu Fei. Tingting wants to see Godfather smile in heaven. "

"I don't has the final say in this matter. She may not marry me."

"Of course Yu Fei wants to marry a godfather." Tingting doesn't think so.

"How do you know he wants to marry me?"

"When I see Godfather asleep, aunt Yu Fei secretly kisses Godfather. She giggles after kissing him, just like a flower maniac."

Zhuo Ran's heart was blocked, but he couldn't help laughing.

"Let's ask her another day if she will marry."

"Good." Tingting said this for a while, the more no spirit, breathing is also more weak, "godfather, can you hold Tingting?"

"Of course."

Zhuo ran picked Tingting up from the bed, she was very thin, thin only a bone, Zhuo ran heart more uncomfortable.

Take her in your arms, take the quilt and cover her.

"Godfather's arms are warm, warmer than mother's arms." Tingting narrowed her eyes comfortably.

"If you're tired, go to sleep. Godfather will accompany you."


Tingting closed her eyes.

All of a sudden, the ventilator made a harsh "creaking" sound.

Zhuo ran heart suddenly a tight, "Ting Ting!"

The little girl in my arms didn't respond.

He reached for her nose and lost his breath.

Zhuo ran closed his eyes, held back the tears, took a deep breath, and then re opened his eyes, turned off the ventilator, and took off Tingting's oxygen mask.

Second brother, I tried my best to accompany Tingting here


Zhuo an claimed Tao Xia's body from the police station.

Five days later!

Zhuo ran sent the ashes of Tao Xia and Tingting to be buried with Bi Shen.

Mo Qing, Gu Xiaoran and Yu Fei went to Bishen's grave to pay homage.

Yu Fei took a bunch of bear bouquet and put it on the tombstone. In addition, she made a wreath with chrysanthemum to encircle Tingting's portrait.

Zhuoran looks at Yu Fei and thinks of Tingting's wish before she dies. It's very unpleasant in her heart.

Gu Xiaoran, after paying homage to bi Shen, gently pulls La Moqing. They slip away quietly and throw Yu Fei to Zhuo ran.

Zhuo ran turns his head and looks at Gu Xiaoran dragging Mo Qing away, frowning slightly.

Gu Xiaoran takes out his mobile phone, sends a text message to Zhuo ran, then raises his mobile phone to him, and drags Mo Qing to go faster.

Zhuo ran silently took out his cell phone and opened the SMS.

"Little aunt to little uncle, go out to relax, don't rush home, MEDA."

Yu Fei saw Zhuo ran looking at his mobile phone and asked, "is something wrong?"

"It's Xiaoran's message."

People in front, what text messages?

Yu Fei is puzzled and turns around to find that Gu Xiaoran and Mo Qing are missing.

"Where are they?"

"The world is gone."


Yu Feixin said, are we two people?

As soon as the thought moved, he quickly pinched it. What was he thinking in front of the dead.

"I didn't drive, and they lost me. It's ungrateful."

Zhuo ran took a look at her and didn't speak.

Tao Xia liked zhuoran when she was alive, but Yu Fei was not sure whether Tao Xia was a ghost or not.

Don't dare to think again, eyes view nose, nose view, heart honest stand.

So as not to say the wrong thing and provoke the wrong one.

Zhuo ran stood for a while and said softly, "let's go."

Yu Fei's dark relief, busy with Zhuo ran behind, leave the cemetery.

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