Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1988

By the time he finished, she was all out of her power, lying on the bed and completely unable to move.

He bent down, pulled her in the face and gave her a kiss The man's voice was deep and hoarse.

She gave him a white look and didn't even have the strength to swear.

He lay down on his back, stretched out his body comfortably, reached for her, put her in his arms, and looked at her sideways, "comfortable?"

"I'm going back." Xiao Pian's face turned red slowly. He pushed away his hand and turned over to sit up. This move made him take a cold breath.

He raised the tip of his brow to ponder and smile, put his arm on her shoulder, pulled her back, turned over and pressed her down, "do you still want to have the strength to walk now with an empty stomach?"

Xiao Pian's face became a little ugly. He knew that she had an empty stomach and she was still tossing about for four hours?

"What would you like to eat?"

"What do you have to eat?"

"If you want a big meal, you have to go out. I can take you out without you walking

"Why don't you go out?" Being held by a killer, Xiao Pian flees all over the street. He thinks it's cold, so forget it.

"Instant noodles."

"You don't usually cook?"

"I don't cook."

"How do you usually live?" Xiao Pian rolled his eyes.

"I'm a killer. How do you expect me to live?"


"Well, if you want to go out for a big meal, why don't you eat instant noodles here?"

"Instant noodles." She doesn't have the strength to walk now, and she doesn't want to be carried around by him.

Han Lang took a look at the sky outside and got up to go to the bathroom.

Xiao Pian looks at his slender and strong back, and suddenly he has an indescribable feeling.

She did it with a killer.

And it's comfortable

Han Lang went to the wardrobe, took a suit of clothes, turned to see her staring at him, jokingly picked eyebrows, "good-looking?"

Xiao Pian blushed and pulled the quilt to cover his head.

"Why do you go to Gu Tianlei's new song press conference?"

"I love his songs."

"That's all?"

"Well." He is to protect Gu Tianlei, but his identity can not be exposed now, can only cheat her.

Fifteen minutes later, Xiao Pian sat down at the table.

It's really instant noodles.

But with a poached egg and a ham sausage.

"Can't you get business and live on instant noodles?"

Han Lang glanced at her and ate his own noodles. "I'm not short of money. However, people like me can't hire a nanny to cook at home because they don't know where the next meal is

"So it is." Xiao Pian took a mouthful of noodles and mastered the heat very well.

She has eaten all the delicious food in the world, but she thinks the instant noodles are very delicious today.


the next day, Zhuo ran opened the door and was getting ready to get on the bus when he saw Yu Fang coming.

Yu Fang is dressed up for going out with her bag.

Zhuo ran only looked at her one eye, then took back his sight and got on the car.

Yu Fang knocked on his window.

Zhuo ran put down the window, "think about it?"

"Well, think about it."

"Go ahead."

"I really don't want anything right now, but I'll help you this time."

"I owe you a favor, but I won't do anything against my principles."


"Get in the car."

Yu Fang opened the rear door and got on the car.

Zhuo ran started the car, looked up to see Yu Fei standing at the window looking at him, the eyes are unable to hide the worry.

She was worried about what he promised Yu Fang.

Zhuo ran lowered his eyelids, took back his sight, and drove away from the villa.

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