Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1980

She won't believe anyone but him.

She can't be the shadow of anyone but him.

The girls here can't be shadows, they can only finish the task independently. In order to finish the task, they have to do whatever it takes.

The beauty trick is the most commonly used.

Go to bed with a man, please a man, get information, or achieve other purposes. Once found, it's death.

Humble and dangerous.

He thought that if he could not come back, she would live like this in the future, and his heart ached faintly.

But when the task comes down, no one can refuse to carry out it.

Besides, he volunteered to go to the task.

Too many people have already died on this mission, and he doesn't want to die again because of this mission.

Besides, if he doesn't go, it will rain.

Yu Ning's ability is not competent for this task at all. If she goes, she will die.

At the end of the circle, he has to go.

It's better to solve it earlier.

Taking out the arm that Gu Xiaoran held tightly, she gently pulled her hand down from her body. "Qiqi, you should understand what task means to us."

Gu Xiaoran bowed his head sadly.

She grew up here, of course.

Over the years, she has seen too many things that never come back.

Every time there is an accident with her elder martial brother or elder martial sister, she will be melancholy and sad. But never has she been so sad and afraid as now.

Every time I hope they're not here.

"Go to sleep. I'm going to take a bath." He came back to see her.

Gu Xiaoran watched him open the door, went out, caught up with him and held his hand. "We must live, we must come back."

"Good!" He touched her head. He had to come back alive. He promised her not to make her life miserable.

Gu Xiaoran watched Mo Qing leave. When he turned around, he saw Yonghao standing not far behind him. He saw her see him and went back to the room without saying a word.

The next day.

Gu Xiaoran trained as usual.

But she couldn't lift her spirits when she thought of Mo Qing's mission that she might never return.

Because of what happened last night, BEI'ER hates Gu Xiaoran to the extreme. She wants to take advantage of Mo Qing's absence and find a chance to clean up Gu Xiaoran.

But by her appearance, Mo Qing came back to know that she would not be happy.

So he secretly called two people to go.

The two men deliberately quarreled with Gu Xiaoran and got into a fight.

When one of them waved his fist, the other deliberately dodged beside her, and the fist directly hit Gu Xiaoran's nose.

It's a heavy blow. If it's hit, the bridge of the nose will be broken.

Gu Xiaoran was absent-minded. When she found out that it was too late for her to hide, she caught her wrist and pulled it hard. Suddenly, she lost her balance and fell to one side to avoid the blow.

Then a tight waist, has been embracing waist embrace, look back, see holding her is last night with her make awkward Yonghao.

Yonghao's position in the camp is second only to Moqing, which is not something these two people can afford to offend.

The two men saw Yonghao save Gu Xiaoran and quickly slipped away.

Yonghao looks at BEI'ER, who is not far away, waiting to see the excitement. Then he lets go of Gu Xiaoran, turns around and goes.

Gu Xiaoran can see that it was BEI'ER who arranged for someone to hit her just now. He is grateful to Yonghao for helping her.

Besides what happened last night, she definitely felt sorry and called Yonghao, "Yonghao, that little rabbit, I like it very much."

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