Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1959

The salesmen swarmed to the door and watched Mo Qing's tall and straight back. No wonder they were standing beside him.

Moqing and Gu Xiaoran came out from fenghexiang, and it was already dark.

Nanwan's driver was waiting at the door. Seeing them coming out, he quickly came over, "Mo Shao, Miss Gu."

"You drive back Xiao Ran's car."


Gu Xiaoran takes out the car key, gives it to the driver, and then gets on Mo Qing's car.

"When I go to Zhonghang Road, I sometimes pass by and see that baozi shop is still there."

"The boss has changed."

"How do you know? Have you been there since? "

Mo Qing took a look at Gu Xiaoran and sipped her lips.

At that time, the imperial building was burned, and his sister and mother died miserably. He thought there would be no result with her.

At that time, the more I miss her, the more I hate myself.

But no matter how much he hated her, he couldn't forget her.

In those years when he returned to Seoul and rebuilt the imperial dynasty, he restrained himself from seeing her, but he did not know how many times he walked or ate the food he had eaten with her.

He knows all about the collapse and move of the snack shops.

"Well Where are we going? "

"The casserole shop on Zhonghang road has moved to Nanhui street. The boss's son is taking care of it. It tastes the same as before."

Gu Xiaoran noticed that they were heading for Nanhui street now, and his heart was filled with an inexpressible feeling.

All these years, she always thought that she was one-on-one with him, but then he was more attentive to her than she was to him.

Fortunately, she didn't let go. Fortunately, she is by his side now. Fortunately, she will marry him soon.

Gu Xiaoran sucked his nose and pressed down his tears.

Take the notebook and start to invade the system of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Mo Qing glanced at her computer, "what do you do?"

"If we don't erase our names, it won't be bigamy when we register?"

Mo Qing dumbfounded, "bigamy on bigamy, two registration, when an insurance."

"Don't cheat even when you get married. It's a shame."

"Don't delete it." Mo Qing reached over and held her little hand. "To delete, we have to wait for the Civil Affairs Bureau to delete when we hand in the form to ensure seamless connection."


Mo Qing stops his car at the gate of Haowei baozai's rice. Gu Xiaoran smells the fragrance of rice he hasn't seen for a long time as soon as he gets out of the car. Without waiting for Mo Qing, he finds a seat to sit down.

The little boss came over with a small book. When he saw Mo Qing coming here, he immediately laughed, "Mo Shao, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"I've been a little busy lately."

"That's right. You're a big boss. There must be a lot of things. What would you like to have? Old rules, or something else? "

Mo Qing didn't answer immediately. He asked Gu Xiaoran, "what do you want to eat?"

"According to your rules."

Mo Qing turned around and said to the little boss, "it's the same as before."

"All right, come right away." As soon as the boss wanted to go away, he suddenly thought of something and said to Gu Xiaoran, "girl, although I said I would come right away, I have to cook this pot of rice now. It will take about ten minutes for it to be delicious until it's scorched."

"She knows." Mo Qing answered on behalf of Gu Xiaoran.

Do you know?

The little boss looked at Gu Xiaoran again and suddenly gave Mo Qing a secret smile, "is she the girl in Mo Shaoji's heart?"

Mo Qing laughed, "yes, you guessed right."

PS: good night! ~

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