Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1956

Han Lang catches her.

Xiao Pian was very dizzy, but she felt that her arms around her shoulders were strong and strong, and her chest against her back was very warm.

I'm really drunk.

A cold-blooded killer's chest can make her feel warm.

Xiao Pian shakes his head, sobers himself up, stands still, pushes Han Lang away, twists his bag, and walks forward.

Looking at Xiao Pian's unsteady steps, Han Lang frowned and got up to follow him.

The bartender sent Raffi up, and the bartender looked at Han Lang who followed xiaopian, "put it back, I don't think he needs it today."

Xiao Pian staggers down to the parking lot, recognizes for a long time, and walks to a car.


The lights flashed, but not the one in front of her, but the one opposite.

Xiao Pian Leng for a while, recognized the license plate for a long time, only to find that the opposite car is his own.

With a smile of self mockery, he went to his car, opened the door, stepped on the car with one foot, caught his arm and carried it out.

Look up, it's the killer.

Xiaopian frowned and dropped his hand. "Why?"

"You drive like this?"

"What? No way? "

"Drunk like this, not afraid of drunk driving, but also for others to think about, you go out like this, every minute hit people."

"A killer, still care about human life?" Xiao Pian sneered.

Han Lang did not explain.

Xiao Pian holds the door and gets on.

Suddenly the shoulder was pulled, her body involuntarily turned circle, facing the man.

Han Lang stoops to carry Xiao Pian on his shoulder and snatches her key to the car.

"What do you want to do? Let go of me

Han Lang ignored, locked the car and strode away.

Xiao Pian was already drunk. He was carried on his shoulder by Han Lang and supported him. After seeing both sides, everything was turning. The more he fainted, he couldn't find the direction. As soon as he became soft, he fell asleep.

Yinhe is hanlang's meeting point, so he often goes to and from the galaxy. Almost every time he comes, he sees xiaopian drinking here.

This place is red wine green. Most of the single women who come here are looking for excitement.

But this woman never talks to anyone. She gets drunk alone every time.

He knows that she likes Moqing, but now she is the granddaughter of King Miao. She wants status, money, money, men, and men.

But she was as lonely as when she was not the granddaughter of King Miao.

He came to galaxy to do business today. When he came, Xiao Pian was drinking alone. He had something to do, so he didn't get close to him.

Later I saw Zhuo ran come.

It seems that she has something to do with Zhuo ran.

After meeting the people he wanted to see, he sat down not far away from them and saw her smile at zhuoran, saying, "you are good-looking and have a good character, but you don't know how to do in bed."

He thought that next, the two should find a place to open a house.

I didn't expect such a dialogue.

Han Lang looked back at the woman whose cheeks were red. He was so drunk that he didn't know anything about her.

How much love does this woman have for Moqing to become like this.

Han Lang takes his eyes back, goes to his own Raptor, opens the back door and throws Xiao pian in.

Xiao Pian hummed twice in his drunken dream, turned over and found a comfortable position to continue to sleep.

Looking at the woman's sleeping face, Han Lang suddenly thought of zhuoran's words, "be careful to be picked up When you wake up, you can clean up. I don't know how many times you've been slept

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