Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1951

"What time can you finish school today?" Mo Qing asked.

"Five o'clock."

"I'll pick you up at school."

"Don't take it. Let's meet at fenghexiang at 5:30."

"Not bad."


at noon, Yu Fei went to bieyuan.

Yu Fang is putting the dishes on the table. There are not many dishes, but they are all good for wound recovery.

"It smells good."

Yu Fei sat down at the table, fished out a green vegetable and threw it into her mouth.

Yu Fang opened her hand, "wash your hands."

"My hands don't touch anything. They're not dirty."

"It has to be washed, too."

People who study medicine are addicted to cleanliness. If they can't be provoked, they can only follow suit.

Yu Fei got up and went to Xiaowei, washed her hands, went back to the table, picked up chopsticks and began to eat.

"Look at you greedy cat. Didn't the Mohists give you food?"

"Of course, the Mohists give me food, but I'm tired of it. I haven't seen such a refreshing dish for a long time."

Yu Fang is a little silent. In fact, the Mohists are really good to Yu Fei.

In particular, zhuo'an is too good for Yu Fei. If he didn't know that he wanted to marry his son Zhuo ran, he thought he had a crush on Yu Fei.

"Feifei, what's Xiao ran doing recently?" Yu Fang put a bowl of rice in front of Yu Fei.

"Go to school, she's a girl. What else can she do besides go to school?"

"She doesn't work?"

"She used to earn milk powder money for Xiaohan, so she had to work. Now she is not short of money. She wants to put more energy on Xiaohan, so she doesn't work part-time any more besides helping me from time to time."

"That's good, too. She hasn't graduated yet. Is she really going to marry Mo Qing? "

"Well, my son is so old that I'm going to get married."

"I live in Nanwan recently. I heard about the Revenge of Mohism. What's the matter?"

Yu Fei's hand stopped, and she was uneasy about her sister's sudden mention of Mohism.

"Why didn't I hear that?"

"Maybe you're in the hospital. It's a short time to stay in Mohist."

"Really, what did they say?"

"They didn't say anything specific, so they just mentioned it. That's why I asked you."

"I don't know."

The hatred of Mohism is taboo. Yu Fei doesn't want to gossip about Mohism, even if he is his sister.

Yu Fang sees Yu Fei's expression twinkle, knows that Yu Fei knows, but refuses to say.

"I also heard that Gu Xiaoran received a blood jade bracelet from Mo Qing, worth 200 billion yuan. How can Xiao ran accept such expensive things from others? "

"Ah, that bracelet. It is said that the Mohist blood jade jewelry was handed down to his daughter-in-law, and Gu Xiaoran and Mo Qing have both been engaged. It's reasonable for Mo Qing to give her the bracelet. Xiao Ran is not greedy. If she can't get along with Mo Qing, she won't take the bracelet. "

"I remember reading the news that year. Didn't I say that Mohist's blood jade jewelry was lost and found back?"

"I didn't get it back. This bracelet was made by the king of Miao. It is said that Mo Zong was in urgent need of money and gave it to the king of Miao. Since he sold it, Mohist naturally bought it back. "

"Only this bracelet, nothing else? For example, rings... "

"This bracelet, I haven't seen any rings."

Yu Fang frowned slightly. Han Jinbiao had a ring on his hand, which should be put together with blood Ganoderma lucidum.

If the ring and the blood Ganoderma lucidum are put in the snake's dilemma, even if a torch burns the blood Ganoderma lucidum, the blood jade ring can't be burned.

Didn't they see the ring when they checked the bones of the snake?

PS: good night. I'm going to save my manuscript.

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