Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1888

"Get in the car." Zhuo ran looked at her calmly.

"Do you really want to go with me?"

"Well." Don't see the result, he is not at ease, "don't get on the car, after a while to traffic."

That hospital is in the center of the city. If it's good, it's easy to block it.

Yu Fei stepped forward, opened the door and got on the bus, "thank you."

"Don't be so polite with me."

To the hospital, it is working time, everywhere people come and go, chaos, Zhuo ran afraid of Yu Fei was crowded.

"You go back to the ward first, and I'll go to the doctor and write out the check list."


Yu Fei pushes the door of the ward and sees Tingting alone in the ward. She doesn't see anyone accompanying her.

Tingting hears the door ring, turns her head and sees that it's Yu Fei. She looks back in disappointment and walks to the water dispenser with a water cup.

It's not good for children to drink pure water, not to mention Tingting is still a sick child.

"Tingting, why don't you drink boiled water and drink this water?"

"There's no boiling water."

Yu Fei looks at Tingting. She hasn't lived here for a few days. Tingting's face is thin.

Although she doesn't like Tingting's character, she thinks the child is really pitiful.

Think of the death of Tao Xia, look at Tingting expression, it seems not to know her mother died.

"What about your aunt and grandfather?"

"Not yet."

"Aren't they here with you at night?" Yu Fei was shocked.

Tingting shook her head.

Yu Fei is a little bit congested. No wonder Zhuo ran wants to take her in.

"Then you wait a moment, Auntie will turn on the water for you."

Tingting nodded her head.

Yu Fei went to the bedside table and picked up the hot water bottle on it. It was empty.

Turned out of the ward, went to the tea room.

Back to the ward, see Tingting standing on a chair by the window, the whole body lying on the windowsill, holding the plant out of the window, very dangerous.

Yu Fei was startled.

She didn't dare to cry, for fear that Tingting would be frightened and fall out.

Like usual walking, make a little footstep and walk to the window.

Went to the window, just caught Tingting's position, just relieved, "Tingting, what are you doing?"

"I'm sunning cactus."

"Cactus needs sunshine, but it's dangerous for you to lie on the window like this. Will your aunt hold you down? "

"I don't want you to hold me. I'll come down by myself."

"Well, come down by yourself."

Tingting put the cactus on the windowsill and was about to jump off the chair when the door of the ward opened.

Bi Dahai stood at the door and saw Yu Fei by the window and Tingting jumping from the chair. He called out: "Tingting."

Tingting was startled, her body suddenly lost its stability and fell off the chair.

Yu Fei quickly reaches out to pull Tingting, but the direction that she stands and the direction that Tingting jumps down is opposite. Across the chair, she can't hold Tingting, instead, she pulls the wound.

Suddenly pain bent over, quickly hold the windowsill, did not pay attention to encounter the cactus.

The flowerpot broke into several petals with a snap. The flower mud was scattered all over the ground, and the cactus also broke.

Tingting fell off her chair and broke her leg. Tears came out of her eyes. Before she could cry, she saw the cactus broken. She cried out in pain and anger.

Yu Fei Gu saw Tingting cry, rushed forward, regardless of the wound pain, went to Tingting, squatted down, to hold her, "Tingting, tell aunt, have you hurt where?"

"Go away, you wicked woman." Tingting pushes her away.

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