Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1879

Yu Fei was stunned.

On the other side of the phone, it was quiet for a while before Hua Zi's confused voice came out, "Zhuo Shao?"

Why does Zhuo ran answer Yu Fei's words?

"Anything else?" Zhuo ran directly ignored huazi's confusion.

"No It's ok... " Hua Zi is not afraid of the overbearing Mo Qing, but he is a little afraid of zhuoran who has no expression all day.

"Since it's OK, hang up." Zhuo ran directly hung up the phone, completely did not give each other a chance to talk.

Hang up the phone, look up, see Yu Fei staring at him.

Holding his hand against his lips, he coughed to hide his discomfort and handed his mobile phone to Yu Fei. "What time do you go to the hospital tomorrow morning?"

"Go out at eight." Yu Fei confusedly took over the mobile phone, zhuoran today how strange, "why do you tell huazi that I live in Nanwan?"

"What can't you say when you live in Nanwan?" Zhuo ran frowned. He was so afraid of huazi. He knew that he was living in Nanwan. What was the misunderstanding of huazi?

"If I say in Nanwan, huazi will come."

"When you come, you come. Why? I'm afraid Nanwan can't afford to entertain him? "

"Not at all."

"What is that?"

"My room is next to yours." And that floor, live she and Zhuo ran, who saw will to crooked place to think.

"When we receive guests in Nanwan, we need to receive them in our bedrooms." Zhuo Ran's eyes floated a thin chill. After all, he was afraid of the misunderstanding of huazi.

"Uncle zhuoran, aunt, why haven't you come yet?"

Small Han see zhuoran and Yu Fei standing there talking with, did not follow, to them.

"Here we are." Zhuo ran took a look at Yu Fei and walked forward.

Yu Fei stares at Xiao Douding lying on Mo Qing's shoulder. She's a little depressed. Can you stop calling her and Zhuo ran together.

A grandmother, an uncle, this generation, it seems that she is very old

Yu Fei's cell phone rings again.

It's still huazi's phone.

This time huazi put the volume to the minimum, so as not to be loud, and was heard by the people next to Yu Fei, "Feifei, how long will you live in Nanwan?"

"Maybe I'll live for a while. Xiao Ran is getting married soon. I'm her aunt. I always want to help."

Zhuo ran heard Yu Fei's words in front of him, and immediately guessed that it was Hua Zi's phone call again. He slightly pursed his thin lips.

This kid is really determined.

Yu Fei saw Zhuo ran to her, stopped, no longer go forward, lest Zhuo ran robbed the phone again, make embarrassed to death.

"Anything else?"

"No, just ask. By the way, you have injuries on your body. It's not convenient to move. If you need someone to run errands, just open your mouth. I can't do anything else. I'm the best at running errands. "

"Well, when I think about it, I'll call you."

Yu Fei saw Zhuo ran waiting in front of him. He didn't dare to say more. He hung up and walked forward.

Huazi looks at the dead phone and thinks about it. He calls Moqing.

"Huazi?" Mo Qing has some accidents. Hua Zi has been in charge of the clothing department for a long time. He never interferes. He can't think of anything Hua Zi can do to find him at this time.

"Boss, I want to go to Nanwan." Nanwan is the most strictly managed private house. No one can go without the consent of Moqing and zhuoran. If he wants to go to Nanwan, he has to be agreed by one of the two.

Huazi thought of Zhuo Ran's cold voice on the phone just now. She asked Zhuo ran to be realistic.

"What's the matter?"

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