Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1861

Tao Xia missed the point with one shot, and immediately fired the second.

But Mo Qing is already one step ahead of him, holding Gu Xiaoran and rolling away. The shot missed the point and hit Mo Qing on the arm.

Gu Xiaoran felt Mo Qing's arm. It was wet and greasy. He spread out his palm. His hand was full of blood. He was anxious and angry. He tried to open Mo Qing, but there was another shot.

There is no place to hide in this room.

But Tao Xia is afraid that Mo Qing rushes up, dare not stop, continuously shoots.

If Mo Qing wants Gu Xiaoran not to be hit, he can only block her with his own body and avoid it at the same time.

But Tao Xia's shooting method is too accurate, not a shot failed, that shot all hit him, Gu Xiaoran's body covered with Mo Qing's blood.

More than a dozen shots in a row have not been able to kill Mo Qing, and Gu Xiaoran has not hurt a single hair. Seeing that there are only two bullets left, Tao Xia secretly worries and stops shooting.

Mo Qing immediately let go of Gu Xiaoran and pounce on Tao Xia.

At the corner of Tao Xia's mouth, she stirred up a sly smile and pulled the trigger.

Too close to him, Mo Qing had no time to hide. He could only slightly deflect his head. The bullet failed to hit his eyebrow, but it didn't enter his hair. The blood flowed down from him, and his handsome face turned red in an instant.

His tall body fell down after yearning, and Gu Xiaoran caught him.

Gu Xiaoran's strength is not big. He catches Mo Qing's one meter eight figure. He is too forced and falls to the ground.

Mo Qing was like a bloody man. He felt blood everywhere.

Gu Xiaoran looks at the blood flowing down from Mo Qing's head. His heart is like sinking into an ice lake.

Looking up at Tao Xia, his eyes are full of killing intention.

Tao Xia immediately to who Gu Xiaoran, "don't move, dare to move, you immediately kill you."

Gu Xiaoran said coldly: "you still have a bullet. If you can't kill you, you have to die. "

"One bullet, enough to kill you."

Gu Xiaoran sneered and let Mo Qing go. He was about to get up.

However, at this time, a tight hand, was mo Qing hold, great strength.

Gu Xiaoran's heart suddenly jumped.

With Mo Qing's style, it's impossible for her to be a gun target at this time.

There's a problem.

Gu Xiaoran kept quiet and continued to get up, but his movements were slower.

Tao xialeng looks at Gu Xiaoran. There is only one bullet left in her hand. If she kills Gu Xiaoran, she can't run away.

Although I feel sorry that I can't kill Gu Xiaoran, it's not worth living here for a Gu Xiaoran.

Anyway, Mo Qing can't live. When her task is finished, she leaves here first, and then asks Miao Ruolan for payment.

Tao Xia's hand turned, and the shooter resisted officer Qi's temple. "Don't come here, or I'll kill her."

Gu Xiaoran stopped.

Tao Xia disdains a smile, they these people, is rotten good person, to this, also must consider other people's life and death.


She grabbed officer Qi, watched Gu Xiaoran warily, and slowly retreated.

Police officer Qi seems to be frightened and manipulated by Tao Xia like a puppet.

Gu Xiaoran pretended to chase forward.

"Don't move." Tao Xia immediately issued a warning.

Officer Qi said: "Tao Xia, calm down. You can't run away. If you have something to say, put down your gun first... "

"Shut up The gun in Tao Xia's hand pressed against Qi's head more forcefully, "you go one step further, I'll kill her immediately. Gu Xiaoran, don't forget that there is monitoring here. If you force me to kill her, you can't run away. "

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