Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1848

Gu Xiaoran looked at him contemptuously. "I'm poor. I don't worry about food and clothing when I was young

Mo Qing restrained to smile, hugged her tightly, kiss her, "once in a lifetime, need not save."

Gu Xiaoran smiles and points across the notebook screen. All these wedding dresses are beautiful. Women will like them. No woman doesn't want to be beautiful when she gets married. She's no exception

"I want to make my own wedding dress."

"I'm too tired. I don't want you to work so hard."

Gu Xiaoran has to attend classes. She has to take Xiaohan to do all kinds of things at home. Making wedding dress is not a small project. It's really hard for her to deal with it if she is in a hurry.

Besides, she's not good at handmade men's suits. Mo Qing's suits also need to be made to order. It's better to make them together so as not to make trouble.

Gu Xiaoran thought about it for a while, but he didn't insist on it any more.

Looking at the wedding dresses carefully, pointing to the manuscript of one of the masters, "I like this style. What do you think?"

"Not bad."

Mo Qing is very satisfied with that series of wedding dresses. They are simple in style and smooth in lines. They don't have too much lace, but they just show the body lines perfectly. The key is not to expose them

In officialdom and shopping malls, there are a lot of sex wolves.

He doesn't want to get married. His family's treasures are all looked at by others.

After choosing the wedding dress, Moqing turns off the picture and kisses Gu Xiaoran, "you sleep first."

"You don't sleep yet?"

"Well, there's something else." Today, Moqing always feels strange about Han Jinbiao. He wants to check some things again.

"Sleep together." Gu Xiaoran shook Mo Qing's sleeve.

Mo Qing's heart swings. The word "sleep together" is too tempting for him. He hasn't touched her for many days. If he really wants to sleep together like this, he won't have to sleep this night.

And tomorrow he has a very important thing to do. He has to go out early.

"You sleep by yourself, and I'll sit here with you, eh?"

Gu Xiaoran, however, was determined not to let him drink so much wine. He continued to endure like this. He hugged his arm, shook it gently, and said, "king, we've slept together, eh?"

Mo Qing see Gu Xiaoran coquetry, some funny, "stop it, I really have something, obedient."

"If you don't sleep, I won't either." Gu Xiaoran pouted.

"Then you see what I do."

Gu Xiaoran put his face in front of him and pointed to his eyes. "I'm almost a rabbit's eye. You have the heart."

Looking at Gu Xiaoran's naughty appearance, Mo Qing has no choice but to take her after all. He smiles and sighs and closes his notebook.

Gu Xiaoran immediately lay down happily and pulled the quilt.

Gu Xiaoran knew that he didn't seem to be doing anything tonight, but he was not happy at all.

She did not expect to make him happy, just hope to give him a little comfort, let him feel better.

Mo Qing took off her nightgown, put it aside, slid down, swept her by, held her in her arms, and gave her a kiss on her forehead. She said in a soft voice, "good, go to sleep."

Gu Xiaoran entwined him like a snake, hugged him, raised his face, and gave him a kiss on the mouth. "If you are not free tomorrow, I will pick them up myself."

"It's not as important to pick up the second elder and his son as it is to be big."

Gu Xiaoran felt a warm current in his heart. He put his head on his shoulder and looked at the man who was close to him with the moonlight pouring in from the window.

Tonight's night is very good, did not close the curtain, the moonlight from the French window shine in, sprinkled on the bed, he closed his eyes, side face in the moonlight is particularly good-looking.

She had been with him since childhood. The day he became the wolf king, she wanted to be a wolf and stay with him forever. Unexpectedly, she forgot him, and finally he left her.

She thought of all kinds of evils he had done to her before her memory recovered. At that time, she hated him to death. But now, looking back, he was enduring the hatred of Mohist School and trying to force her to stay with him, which he didn't know.

Gu Xiaoran couldn't help holding him more tightly, and his body also shrank into his arms. He pressed on to him tightly. He still couldn't help looking up at his silvery face in the moonlight.

He is so good-looking that people can't see enough of him.

Gu Xiaoran only looked at him, did not notice that she was very close to him, breathing spray on his neck, suddenly felt his body gradually frozen, thought that he was toxic again, worried and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter?"

Mo Qing suddenly hugged her, opened her eyes, lowered her head and looked at the little woman in his arms.

This little woman, who started his fire, looked innocent.

"Is there something wrong?"

Gu Xiaoran held his hand back and stroked his chest.

He vomits when he has a toxic attack, and his stomach is naturally very uncomfortable.

She wanted to rub him to make him feel better.Mo Qing grabs Gu Xiaoran's hand and kisses her gently: "no discomfort. Close your eyes and go to sleep."

"Really no discomfort?"

Mo Qing closed her eyes and gave a "um" reply. He was really uncomfortable, but his discomfort was different from Gu Xiaoran's.

There was a scratch on his neck. He opened his eyes again and saw that Gu Xiaoran was still looking at him.

He reluctantly raised to cover her eyes, "don't always stare at me."

"I want to see it." Gu Xiaoran took his clothes off.

"If you keep looking, I can't guarantee that I won't do anything to you." He picked his eyebrows slightly, with a threatening warning tone.

Gu Xiaoran knew that if he didn't touch her, he would have something to do tomorrow. He needed to have a good spirit, stop quarreling with him and shut his eyes honestly.

If his eyes can't see, his sense of smell is more sensitive. Gu Xiaoran's breath is full of familiar and pleasant smell.

She put her face between his neck and inhaled almost greedily.

It smells good.

Mo Qing couldn't help laughing because of the crisp itch. She turned over and pressed the dishonest little woman under her body, and looked at her with a gloomy look.

"It seems that you really have to do something for you to go to sleep."

"I didn't mean to quarrel with you. It's you that smell so good." Gu Xiaoran is embarrassed.

"Is it?" He looked down at her with the moonlight on his back. His eyes were hidden in the darkness. He could not see the bottom.

"True, more true than pearls."

"Hiss!" Mo Qing smiles.

Since Han Jinbiao died, Mo Qing has never laughed.

Gu Xiaoran felt that the stone in Mo Qing's heart was heavier than before.

Indeed, with the death of Han Jinbiao, many clues are broken, and the whereabouts of other blood jade jewelry are even more difficult to find. Therefore, the people who made Mohism bankrupt in those years are completely broken.

After so many years of investigation, he suddenly lost the clue, which naturally made him feel bad.

But at that time, Han Jinbiao found that things were missing, and the Ganoderma lucidum, which can be used to contain Mohism, was also missing. He could not pose any threat to the reconstruction of Mohism, so he would not forget it.

With Han Jinbiao as a man, he will revenge by all means after he comes out.

At that time, they will be in the Ming Dynasty and Han Jinbiao in the dark. Everyone around them will be in a very dangerous situation, especially Xiaohan.

That's why she made that decision.

She wanted these things, and Moqing naturally wanted them, so Moqing was not against her.

Just because he agrees with her doesn't mean he won't be bored.

Gu Xiaoran looks at Mo Qing without humming. He feels as miserable as a knife.

Now I saw him smile, and the shadow in my heart finally faded. I put my arm around his neck and said, "king, I will find new clues if I have the information."

"OK, but after so many years, I don't care about this time. Take your time."

After Mo Qing came back, he was drinking. He didn't read the information Gu Xiaoran got, but he knew that Han Jinbiao didn't leak everything. He couldn't leave anything that people could find out about him.

He can't confirm that Gu Xiaoran can find out what happened in those years. He doesn't want Gu Xiaoran to find out the clue, but because of his guilt, he gets into the corner.

"Don't worry. I grew up with you, and I've been your shadow for so many years. I still have this determination."

Mo Qing smiles, no longer refutes, kisses her down, hands slide into her pajamas, caresses her smooth skin.

He really wants her


detention house -

prison guards are distributing things from prisoners' families.

Tao Xia has no relatives and no one will give her anything. She doesn't care about this kind of thing.

"Tao Xia!"

Suddenly the C.O. called Tao Xia's name.

Tao Xia heard it, but she didn't respond. She called herself.

"Tao Xia!" The guard raised his voice impatiently.


"Yes, it's you. Come and get something."

Tao Xia is confused. Who else in the world will give her something?

Is it Zhuo ran?

When she thought of Zhuo Ran's moment, there was a trace of joy in her heart, and he still remembered her.

Step forward.

The C.O. threw her two packs of cigarettes, ten yuan each.

She doesn't smoke, and it's not a good cigarette. She doesn't even use it to bribe people.

Tao Xia took the two packs of cigarettes, but she didn't feel like it.

It's impossible for Zhuo ran to give her a cigarette. She's happy for nothing.

Disappointment is followed by confusion.

No one will give her a cigarette for no reason. There is something wrong with the cigarette.

There is something wrong with the cigarette.

The prison guards left, and immediately a group of female prisoners surrounded them. They were the eldest sister in the prison."Oh, there's a cigarette."

This tone is clearly to let her out of the smoke filial piety.

Who sent the cigarette, why did she send it to her, and whether there was something hidden in the cigarette. Before these answers were obtained, Tao Xia could not give these two packages of cigarettes to others.

She took a look at the female prisoner, ignored him, put the cigarette into her pocket and was ready to go away.

The shoulder sank and was held down by one of the female prisoners.

The female criminal was very fat. When she pressed Tao Xia's shoulder, she deliberately tried to give Tao Xia a bad impression.

Tao Xia is a first-class killer. Although she is good at guns, her hands and feet are very sensitive.

She took a look at the hand on her shoulder, suddenly grabbed a bowl beside her, smashed it on the edge of the table, smashed the bowl, and then left half of the bowl on her hand and cut it off to the female prisoner's neck.

The female criminal didn't expect that Tao Xia suddenly shot, and her hands and feet were so fast that she was stunned. Her neck had been resisted by the tip of the bowl mouth, and she was scared out of her wits.

The head of the female criminal was stunned and asked Tao Xia, "how did you get in?"

"Murder." Tao Xia is anxious to find out what is hidden in the cigarette. She is unwilling to waste her time here and throw away the broken bowl. "Don't provoke me, or don't blame me for being rude."

Looking at Tao Xia walking away, the female criminals are indignant and want to fight with each other.

The head of the female criminal stopped, "not in a hurry for a while."

She felt that this woman had a lot to offer. It would be better to find an opportunity to deal with this woman.

Tao Xia went to a place where there was no one. She took out the cigarette, took it apart and poured it out. There was nothing hidden inside.

She did not give up to pick up those cigarettes, one by one to see, found that one of the cigarettes written words - Han Jinbiao died.

Is Han Jinbiao dead?

So where is the blood Ganoderma lucidum?

Tao Xia crumpled the cigarette, this person will not send the message to her for no reason, since the message to her, there must be below.

She didn't know what the purpose of the man was, and she was burning with anxiety.

Rush to the door, knock hard, "officer!"

"What's the noise?" The female C.O. is coming.

"Report to the officer. I have something to say."

The C.O. gave her a look.

After Tao Xia came in, she refused to cooperate with the police. In the police room, she was a nail household.

"I really have something to say."

The female prison guard took out her walkie talkie and said a few words. Then she opened the door and took Tao Xia out.

Tao Xia is taken to the examination and training room.

Tao Xia didn't see the police who usually tried and trained her. What she saw was a strange woman.

"Who are you?" Tao Xia thought that she had received cigarettes.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that I know you want blood Ganoderma lucidum."

Tao Xia watched the woman warily and didn't speak.

"Han Jinbiao is dead. I'm the only one who can help you get blood Ganoderma lucidum."

"Why should I believe you?"

"You should be very clear about your current situation. Even if you refuse to explain it well, the evidence of your killing is solid. You can't go out alive again. You have no choice."

"Even so, there's no reason for me to give someone a shot before I die."

The woman took out her certificate and put it on the table. "Han Jinbiao has too many problems. Even if he dies, his legacy will not fall into his family's hands and will be sealed up by the police. I can get his stuff. Besides, I can get you out of this place. "

Tao Xia picked up the certificate on the table and turned it over.

Director of Seoul Public Security Bureau -- Miao Ruolan!

Tao Xia was stunned.

Since Xu Honghai's disappearance, the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau has been vacant. A while ago, I heard that someone was sent down quickly. Unexpectedly, it was this woman.

"I'm not officially in office yet. Keep it a secret for the time being."

"Documents can be forged. How can you prove that you are not fake?"

"I'll take office tomorrow, and you can follow the news."

"What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to help me kill a man."

Tao Xia was shocked. Before she took office, she had to eliminate her dissidents?

"Thank you for looking up to me. Unfortunately I'm in this place now. I can't help it. "

"You can do it, and officer Qi will help you."

"To whom?"

Miao Ruolan secretly smiles, "when you believe my identity and confirm that you are willing to accept this business, officer Qi will tell you."

Tao Xia nodded, no longer said more, got up and went to the door.

The door of the audition room opens.

Tao Xia looks at the guard standing outside the door, officer Qi.

Qi officer saw Tao Xia look at her, no response, "let's go."

Tao Xia walked forward slowly and left the examination room.

The next day, the canteen of the detention house.

Tao Xia went to the table with the tray and sat down, looking up at the news on TV.On the TV screen is the picture of the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

That woman is really the new director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.


Gu Xiaoran and Mo Qing are in a serious traffic jam on their way to the airport. When they get to the airport, it's time for the plane to arrive.

Gu Xiaoran gets off at the exit and asks Mo Qing to wait on the bus.

Gu Xiaoran flew to the exit, only to know that Xiaohan's plane was 15 minutes late, and she had to wait at the exit.

She gave Mo Qing a call, told him the situation, and then bored to play with the mobile phone.

A piece of news came out.

Today, the director of public security of Seoul took office. His name is Miao Ruolan

Gu Xiaoran looked at the photo of the new director in the news and was stunned.

as like as two peas, she was already sure that the woman and her mother, the same as their mother, were twins' sister, Miao Ruo Lan.

After she heard that Miao Ruolan was infertile, she took part in politics and got along very well.

Unexpectedly, he came to Seoul and became the director of the city's Public Security Bureau.

Gu Xiaoran immediately called Mo Qing, "king, Miao Ruolan has become the director of the Public Security Bureau, you know?"

"I know." Mo Qing was a young leader of the imperial dynasty and well-informed, so it was impossible not to receive the news that Miao Ruolan was appointed director of Seoul Public Security Bureau in advance.

"What do you think?"

"No idea." Although money and power are inseparable, Mo Qing is never willing to get involved in politics.

"King, I don't know why. I feel uneasy."

"Don't think about it. If anything happens, the soldiers will stop the water and cover the land."


"Xiaohan, they're almost out." Moqing hears the broadcast of Xiaohan's flight landing.

"It's time to come out. I'll hang up."


Gu Xiaoran put away the phone and saw Laoye and Xie Laolao come out with a cart. Xiaohan sat on the cart, round and lovely.

"Mommy Xiaohan sees Gu Xiaoran and immediately raises two fat hands to greet her desperately.

"Baby Gu Xiaoran saw Xiaohan, all the troubles left behind, immediately welcomed up.

"Lao ye, thank Lao Lao!"

Gu Xiaoran catches Xiaohan who pours on her, hugs him and kisses him on his fleshy face. "He's still so fat. It seems that the food there is good."

Xie Laolao smile white Gu Xiaoran one eye, "hungry who, also can't hungry this small ancestor."

"Isn't it? We cook five meals a day for the little ancestor." Yu Jianmin complained, his eyes narrowed with laughter, and he felt happy in it.

Gu Xiaoran smiles and pinches Xiaohan's nose. "Does the baby want to be mommy?"

"I miss you so much. I miss mommy so much Where's daddy? "

"Waiting for Xiaohan in the car."

"Mommy, let's go. I want to see daddy."

"You want to show daddy your little kangaroo." Xie Laolao hit Xiaohan's butt.

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