Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1846

Yu Fei's heart was pounding, as if to jump out of his chest.

Zhuo Ran's lips touched her smooth skin, suddenly recovered and pushed her away.

Yu Fei sat down on the bed without paying attention. She was stunned for a moment. Then she felt embarrassed and embarrassed. Her eyes suddenly burst into tears. She quickly closed her skirt and grabbed her collar, as if she were pulling her heart.

Zhuo Ran's breath is still short, see Yu Fei's tears, a burst of guilt.

He once thought that when he got revenge, he would leave Yu Fei by his side.

But just now, when he touched her, it was like a pair of gloomy eyes staring at them behind his back, which made his hair stand on end.

Han Jinbiao's death doesn't mean it's over.

On the contrary, those people hiding behind Han Jinbiao, with the death of Han Jinbiao, sneak into the underground, do not know when, will suddenly jump out and appear around them in the form they do not know.

He and Mo Qing are not easy to deal with, the other side will start from the people around them.

At that time, the closer people are to them, the more dangerous they will be

He doesn't want Yu Fei to be hurt any more.

But looking at Yu Fei shrinking there, she couldn't bear to ignore her and reached out to her. She instinctively turned her head.

She is not afraid of him, nor does she want him to touch her again, but no matter how much she likes him, she also has self-esteem.

He brought her fanaticism, which was unreasonable and uncontrollable, and she was afraid that she could not keep her weak self-esteem in front of him.

"I'm sorry." Zhuo Ran's hand slightly in the air, still stroking her face.

She looked up. He was looking at her. The desire in his eyes was fading.

Her heart suddenly burst out of suffocating pain, he really only wanted her

Yu Fei took a deep breath and calmed himself down. "It's my fantasy. Don't keep in mind what I said today. "

He looked at her, her forbearance, let him distressed, his voice astringent, "Yu Fei, I still need time."

"Good." Yu Fei swallowed his tears, gave him a smile, got out of bed, "you have a rest early."

He held her in his arms.

Yu Fei was shocked.

Zhuo ran took a look at her, lifted her horizontally and put her on the bed.

Yu Fei looked at him more and more confused.


Zhuo ran opened the quilt, covered her, lay down beside her and turned off the light.

"Zhuo ran..."


"I'd better go back to my room."

Zhuo ran turned around, hugged her, pressed into his arms, "sleep here."


"Don't you mean to warm my bed?"


"No, but go to sleep."

Zhuo Ran's hand clasped the back of her head and pressed her head to her shoulder socket to stop her talking so much.

Yu Fei struggled to look up, "did you just want to..." Yu Fei's face turned red with that.

Zhuo ran opened his eyes and looked down at her, "so what?"

"Then why Not again? "

The corner of Zhuo Ran's mouth tilts slightly, arousing a faint smile, "what do you want to do?"

Yu Fei blushed with embarrassment, but didn't want to deny, "can't you?"

"Unfortunately, I don't want to."

"You lied. You just..." It's hard

"How dare I touch you now? If you don't touch it, it's OK. If half of it goes wrong, I have to send you to the hospital. It's even more uncomfortable. "

Yu Fei choked.

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