Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1837

Gu Xiaoran looks at Han Jinbiao who keeps climbing, and his heart is tightly grasped.

If Han Jinbiao crawls out and runs around with the snake, there will be endless trouble.

The snake around Han Jinbiao's body shrank more and more tightly. One of the snakes around his neck made him unable to breathe.

If it goes on like this, he will be strangled before he climbs on it.

Han Jinbiao had to spare a hand to pull the snake around his neck.

Because the snake can't be seen, it can only be scratched.

He grabbed the snake and pulled it hard. The snake turned its head and bit him hard.

This bite immediately bit through his gloves, snake teeth deep into his palm.

Han Jinbiao quickly grasped the snake's head, opened its mouth and pulled out its teeth from his palm.

But in the blink of an eye, he already felt the numbness of his palm.

He has an antidote on his body, but the effect of the antidote is limited. Now his whole body is full of snakes. He can't take off the mask at all, otherwise he will be bitten by more snakes. Even if there is an antidote, he can't be saved.

Now I have to climb up to the basement, get rid of the snake, take antidote, suppress the toxicity, and then seek medical treatment.

Han Jinbiao ignored the snake and tried to climb up, but his bitten hand was paralyzed, unconscious and uncontrollable. Leaning on one hand, he was very inconvenient.

What annoyed him even more was that there was blood flowing out from the wound bitten by a snake, and a snake smelled the smell of blood, so he immediately went to the place where the glove was damaged and bit it down. More snake venom entered his body, and the spreading speed of venom in his body was faster.

In the twinkling of an eye into his heart, breathing suddenly difficult.

At this time, his other arm hurt, his chemical protective clothing was bitten through, and his movable arm began to paralyze. Gradually, he could not grasp the rope and climb up.

Han Jinbiao seems to have smelled the breath of death, extreme fear tightly bound him.

Hand unconscious, rope alive off, Han Jinbiao huge body to the snake embarrassed fall.

The face that Han Jinbiao had made Cheng Guoliang's face appear. He looks up at the entrance of the cave with despair in his eyes and a touch of reluctance.

Han Jinbiao falls into a group of snakes and is instantly submerged by them.

Gu Xiaoran quietly shut down the monitoring, erasing all the data and traces related to the monitoring in the computer.

See here, there is no need to see.

It's not good to leave these things in the computer.

Gu Xiaoran is not the only hacker. If she is found to have these things in her computer, she will inevitably get into trouble.

Mo Qing sends a text message to Zhuo ran without saying a word, "Han Jinbiao is dead, it's over!"

Han Jinbiao died, but Gu Xiaoran didn't feel relaxed, and Mo Qing was more and more silent.

Looking at Mo Qing's quiet driving, Gu said softly, "king, I'm sorry. I didn't know why at that time, so... "

"You did a good job. Han Jinbiao deserved it."

Mo Qing pursed her lips and looked ahead, driving in a balanced way, but the ice in her eyes did not melt.

Han Jinbiao entices him and Gu Xiaoran to come here to let them both be buried in the belly of the snake. Now Han Jinbiao died in the mouth of his own snake. It's really retribution.

Moreover, Gu Xiaoran's intuition is very accurate. In many cases, the practice of conditioned reflex, even if it is against the Convention, is difficult to understand at that time. But later, with the occurrence of some events, it will be proved that her practice is right.

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