Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1835

Not long after Moqing and Gu Xiaoran left Bihai villa, they dodged the police like ghosts and flashed into the villa where Gu Xiaoran left.

He goes into the control room and turns on the monitor of the snake.

The light from the display illuminated his face.

It's Han Jinbiao who killed the police and escaped.

Han Jinbiao thought that he could easily kill Mo Qing by luring him into the basement with Yu Fang and Gu Xiaoran as bait.

Once Mo Qing falls into the snake's dilemma, it won't take long for her to be eaten to the bone.

No matter who comes, there will be no one.

Kill Mo Qing, and then use blood Ganoderma lucidum and Gu QingChu to make a deal to deal with Mo Zhenzhong.

After the collapse of the imperial dynasty, it was controlled by Moqing. Once Moqing died, the imperial dynasty became a mess.

At that time, he will be able to swallow up the whole dynasty.

Unexpectedly, Mo Qing's life was so big that she slipped into the snake's embarrassment and could come out alive.

Instead of killing Mo Qing and Gu Xiaoran, they take him in.

The police are looking for him everywhere.

Now he has to take away the blood Ganoderma lucidum, the blood jade ring and the information, and then use these things to negotiate with Mo Zhenzhong to make a drastic cut.

He was sure that the police were afraid that the snake would run out and hurt people. They were not fully prepared and would not do anything. However, they did not see it with their own eyes and their hearts were always hanging.

At this time, looking at the squirming snake in the snake embarrassment, I was relieved.

Fortunately, the police have not started to clean up the snakebite.

Han Jinbiao pressed the red button and let out the blood mist. Then he opened the door and lured all the snakes into the nearby stone room. Looking at the intact coffin in the snake's dilemma, he glowed excitedly.

The boy surnamed Mo will never think that the blood Ganoderma lucidum he is trying to find is in Seoul.

Han Jinbiao confirmed that there was no snake left in the snake dilemma. He closed the iron door and shut all the snakes in the stone house next door.

Then turn off the surveillance so that the police don't find out there's a snake here.

This set of monitoring needs a password to open. Han Jinbiao never dreamed that this set of monitoring has been manipulated by Gu Xiaoran and connected to her computer and mobile phone. As long as someone opens the monitoring, she will receive a message.

Gu Xiaoran see mobile phone signal, immediately open the notebook, sure enough, found the villa monitoring someone in the manipulation, but, she does not know, that person is Han Jinbiao.

"King, pull over."

Mo Qing took a look at Gu Xiaoran and parked the car in a humble place on the side of the road.


"I'm embarrassed when someone moves a snake."

Mo Qing looks at Gu Xiaoran's notebook.

Seeing that all the snakes in the surveillance room were led to the next room, revealing the coffin in the middle, he immediately understood how Gu Xiaoran got those things and couldn't help laughing bitterly.

He deals with the police outside, drags the police, does not let the police enter the house, as a result Gu Xiaoran obtains the thing, immediately turns over the face to discuss the condition with him.

Although Gu Xiaoran did it for his good, his face as a big man was always a little hard to hang.

"Is there a camera in this monitoring room?"


Without a camera, you can't see who is operating the monitoring system.

Gu Xiaoran pointed to the snake and said, "that person will definitely go here."

Mo Qing nodded, only when the man went to the snake embarrassed villa, could he see who the other party was.

Several monitors on the computer screen turned off at the same time, leaving only two in the snake's dilemma.

The monitoring of the two rooms is another line, which can only be controlled in another villa, so it has not been turned off.

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