Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1831

Gu Xiaoran's eyes finally returned to the only red button on the table, hesitated for a moment, and pressed the red button down.

When the snake was embarrassed, it emitted dark red smoke, while the smoke in the other stone room quickly dispersed.

The snakes began to surge in the direction of their distress.

Sure enough.

Gu Xiaoran immediately controlled the little robot to hold the iron box and hide to the door of the iron door. She was afraid that when the iron was opened, the snakes would rush away the iron box. After putting the iron box down, she asked the little robot to lie on the iron box, block the iron box with her body and hold it tightly.

When the iron door was opened, the snakes immediately flooded into the snake's dilemma. When all the snakes got into the snake's dilemma, Gu Xiaoran immediately accused the little robot of carrying the iron box into the nearby stone house, and then closed the iron door. She remotely adjusted the camera and carefully checked the stone house. It was true that there were no snakes in the stone house, so she opened the door outside the stone house.

Then control the small robot with the iron box to leave the stone house, close the door of the stone house.

Gu Xiaoran breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Xiaoran hid the little robot with the iron box in the flowers and left the monitoring room.

She did not immediately go to the villa outside the corner flowers to get a small robot, but found out to deal with the police outside Mo Qing.

Mo Qing sees Gu Xiaoran come out, says hello to the police, walks to Gu Xiaoran, and asks Gu Xiaoran, "how's it going?"

Gu Xiaoran was afraid that the little robot would be taken by others. He didn't answer immediately. He took him out of the villa and went to the corner of the villa where the little robot was hidden. Then he stopped.

After listening and confirming that there was no one nearby, she took out her mobile phone and showed Mo Qing a picture of her blood jade ring. "I not only found this ring, but also found some information."

Mo Qing sees the photo of the ring and looks at Gu Xiaoran in surprise.

"I can get these things for you, but I have conditions."

"What conditions?" Mo Qing was shocked.

"I want blood Ganoderma lucidum."

"In this, besides the blood jade ring and information, there are also blood Ganoderma lucidum, right?"


"You know we promised Tao Xia."

"That's what you promised. It's nothing to do with me. I didn't make any commitment to Tao Xia. I found it. I have no reason to give it to her. "

"What if I don't?" Mo Qing frowned.

"If you don't agree, I'll throw everything into the snake heap at once. You don't think it's troublesome, but the dissection of a snake may find some information and the residue of blood Ganoderma lucidum in the belly of a snake. Of course, there may be no residue left. In addition, from then on, we will go our separate ways and stay away from each other. "

Gu Xiaoran doesn't have as much heart as Mo Qing. If he doesn't make a promise, Gu Xiaoran can't keep it even if he takes out the blood Ganoderma lucidum.

Mo Qing's face changed.

In order to stop the police, he didn't go into the monitoring room with Gu Xiaoran. He didn't know what Gu Xiaoran had done.

Gu Xiaoran's hacking technology is superior to him. Gu Xiaoran has already done it. Even if he re enters the monitoring room now, he can no longer get blood Ganoderma lucidum.

"Well, I don't rob Ganoderma lucidum."

Although Gu Xiaoran is his woman, he is not his accessory. He has no reason to rob Gu Xiaoran of his hard work.

"It's not just that you can't rob, but that you guarantee that this thing is in my hands and won't be robbed by anyone."

Mo Qing does not rob, does not mean that will not let others rob.

Gu Xiaoran had to block all the roads that Moqing could take.

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