Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1829

Han Jinbiao has a blood Ganoderma lucidum in his hand, and there is something in the shape of a coffin here. Naturally, they will think that Han Jinbiao is very likely to put the blood Ganoderma lucidum in it.

It is impossible for them not to check whether there is blood Ganoderma lucidum below before the police start.



Mo Qing felt Gu Xiaoran's glance and turned to look at her.

"It's the home of the Rothschild family. We can't get involved."

"What if the blood Ganoderma lucidum is hidden below?"

"There are too many snakes below. If you don't get rid of those snakes, you can't get the blood Ganoderma even if you hide it below."

Gu Xiaoran knew that Mo Qing was telling the truth.

There are so many snakes in the snake dilemma that people can't get rid of the snakes even if they go down with anti poison equipment, let alone open the coffin lid below.

"Isn't the blood Ganoderma lucidum down there?" Gu Xiaoran frowned.

Blood Ganoderma lucidum is Han Jinbiao's trump card. Han Jinbiao can't put it where he can't get it.

"It should be down there, but there must be something we don't know."

Gu Xiaoran's eyes brightened, "where's my notebook?"

Mo Qing glanced at the back seat.

Gu Xiaoran turns around, her notebook is in the back seat, and immediately realizes that Moqing has brought her notebook. She must have something to do.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Try to find the snake embarrassed surveillance in Han Jinbiao's villa, and find out the secret we don't know."

Gu Xiaoran knew clearly.

Han Jinbiao raised so many snakes that it was impossible not to monitor the situation below.

Without saying a word, Gu Xiaoran unfastened his seat belt, went to the back seat, opened his notebook, and soon invaded Han Jinbiao's villa monitoring system.

There's nothing wrong with the monitoring in the control room.

But Gu Xiaoran found another hidden signal.

She followed the signal to find another set of monitoring system. She followed the signal to find that the monitoring system was located in another villa.

It turned out that Han Jinbiao had another villa besides the one where he kept snakes.

It's so cunning.

Gu Xiaoran remote control to open that set of monitoring, that set of monitoring, including all the cameras of Han Jinbiao villa.

In addition to the previous set of monitoring, there are two more sets, one of which is really a snake embarrassment, while the other is a huge empty stone house with nothing.

Gu Xiaoran found that the pattern of the empty stone house was the same as that of the snake, but there was something like a coffin protruding from the middle.

Han Jinbiao will not make an empty house here for no reason. There must be something fishy here.

"King, I have to go to Bihai villa."

Mo Qing takes a look at Gu Xiaoran from the rear mirror, turns the car around silently and goes to the direction of Bihai villa.

Gu Xiaoran and Mo Qing go to the villa of the second system, which is separated from Han Jinbiao's villa by several villas. If Gu Xiaoran didn't catch the signal, he would never have thought that this villa could monitor Han Jinbiao's villa.

Gu Xiaoran sat in front of the monitoring console and was immediately attracted by a red button. When she pressed the button, the corner of the empty stone house suddenly emitted a dark red mist.

She didn't know what it was, but she found that the snakes in the snake's dilemma were suddenly restless and rushed to one side of the wall.

Gu Xiaoran's eyes brightened as he looked at one of the iron gates in the stone house.

This stone house is next to the snake's embarrassment, and these foggy things can lead the snake away.

Then if you open the iron door, the snakes should enter the empty stone house.

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