Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1827

"Tianlei!" Gu Xiaoran catches up and sees Mo Qing standing at the door, while Gu Tianlei has gone far away.

Gu Xiaoran looks at Gu Tianlei's back. He feels bitter. Until Gu Tianlei's figure disappears in the elevator, he takes back his sight and looks at Mo Qing's four eyes. He is very unhappy.

"Do you hear me?"

Mo Qing was silent for a moment, then said: "why force?"

The teacher is really excellent, but no matter how much he can't help himself, he really doesn't fulfill the responsibility of being a father.

It's good for children to understand, but if they can't, they can't be forced.

"But Tian Lei misunderstands like this, too pitiful."

"One day, he will understand."

Gu Xiaoran nibbled his lips and stopped talking, but his bitterness could not be removed.

Yes, don't Tianlei. Even if she has many things, she can't understand them. How can she let Tianlei, who knows nothing about her father, understand them.

"I went to change."


Gu Xiaoran changed his clothes and left the hospital with Mo Qing.

Mo Qing knows that Gu Xiaoran is worried about Yu Fang. Without waiting for Gu Xiaoran to ask, the car leaves the parking lot and goes to the North Street.

His thoughtfulness made Gu Xiaoran feel warm. He felt better and turned to see him.

He is the same as before. He is always silent when driving. His eyebrows are clean and delicate, his eyelashes are long, his nose is very high, and his lips are beautiful and sexy.

"Enough of that?"

"Are you afraid of people?"

"Well, I had to endure it all night last night. If you look at it again, I'm afraid I can't help it. I'll put you on the spot in this car."

Gu Xiaoran was able to leave after transfusion last night. He didn't have to stay in the hospital.

Mo Qing didn't plan to stay in the hospital, but seeing her sleeping soundly, she couldn't bear to wake her up and let her sleep in the hospital all night.

He thought it would be dawn in a few hours, and he didn't ask a nurse for a bed. Seeing that Gu Xiaoran was so cold in his sleep, he went to bed and hugged her to make her warm.

As soon as he went to bed, Gu Xiaoran automatically retracted into his arms and held him tightly.

Tired all night, he also wanted to have a good sleep. He didn't know that damned abdominal snake venom had the effect of chuni medicine.

Before stepping on the line of life and death, later he worried about Gu Xiaoran. He was distracted and didn't feel anything. At this time, he was holding a fragrant and soft woman in his arms, which made him very angry.

Looking at Gu Xiaoran's tired face in his sleep, I couldn't bear to touch her.

He wanted to get out of bed and stay away from him, but Gu Xiaoran held him tightly.

In order not to wake her up, let her recover as soon as possible, can only bear.

Such temptation, coupled with the evil fire in his body, made him feel uncomfortable.

That night, it's like being put in a furnace all night.

Life is not like death!

Gu Xiaoran blushed and turned away.

Just because she had to sleep well last night doesn't mean she doesn't know anything.

Back from the gate of death, shrink in his arms, although feel warm and at ease, but more is fear.

At the thought of almost losing him, holding him is not willing to let go for a moment.

When she came in the middle of the night, she felt that he was hard somewhere. Then she saw a smear of black and blue under his eyelids. She immediately understood what was going on. She was immediately embarrassed, but she pretended that she didn't know anything and continued to sleep

Cough a dry, cut off the topic, "how could the police come last night?"

Gu Xiaoran saw zhuoran last night and knew that after Mo Qing received her call, he made arrangements with zhuoran immediately.

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