Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1818

Gu Xiaoran is trying to bend down to crack the lock code, but Yu Fang's body is soaked in oil, and is sliding down. Half of her body is on the edge of the snake.

Gu Xiaoran gasped, "king, help me."

Take down the crossbow on your back, shoot an arrow, and insert it into the wall beside the door.

Mo Qing grabs the end of the rope, throws it at the arrow, winds the rope around the shaft, and suddenly pulls Yu Fang up and ties it to the shaft.

Mo Qing's feet were full of oil. With this force, his feet suddenly slipped and fell to the snake pit.

All this happened so fast that Gu Xiaoran couldn't catch Mo Qing.

He watched Mo Qing slide into the snake cellar. He immediately turned red and cried, "king!"

Although Mo Qing slipped into the pit, he was very calm and reached for the edge of the pit. But the ground on the edge of the pit didn't leave his hand. He just slightly stopped and fell down.

However, Gu Xiaoran had already shot an arrow at the ease of Mo Qing's figure,

but the falling trend slowed down. He grabbed the rope head and hung himself in the snake cellar. The stone wall covered his body.

Although Gu Xiaoran didn't hear him scream, he thought that he was killed directly and didn't have a chance to make a sound. He was so sad that he cried.

If her mother was not still tied here, she would rather jump into the snake dilemma and die with him.

Mo Qing is hanging in the air, supporting very hard, but seeing that Gu Xiaoran didn't do anything stupid, she is relieved.

"Stop howling and find a way out."

Gu Xiaoran heard Mo Qing's voice and was stunned for a moment. He didn't fall.

Looking at the tight rope, immediately understand how Mo Qing escaped a death.

Although she can't see Mo Qing, she can imagine his situation at this time.

Such a situation cannot be sustained for a long time.

We have to find a way to get him out as soon as possible.

Gu Xiaoran calmed down and shot an arrow into the wall beside him to grab his hand.

But right here, the door suddenly opened.

Several people appeared outside with guns in their hands.

Gu Xiaoran was startled and quickly withdrew to the back of the door.

One of them looked at the door and didn't see anyone. He put his head in and saw Gu Xiaoran standing by the door. He was stunned.

Gu Xiaoran grasped the man's hair and pulled him in.

When the man recovered, he had already stumbled into the basement one by one, stepped on the tile with oil, immediately slipped and rolled down to the snake's embarrassment.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the people in the back came forward to check with their guns.

Gu Xiaoran seized the barrel of the gun, which was also a clever force. He pulled the man in.

The man lost his balance and immediately grabbed Gu Xiaoran, trying to hold him steady.

Gu Xiaoran raised his leg, swept the side of the man's neck, and immediately kicked him to the ground. The man only caught the clothes that Mo Qing had left on the ground and slid to the snake cellar.

The place where the man fell was exactly where Moqing fell.

Gu Xiaoran's heart suddenly tightened and cried out: "Mo Qing!"

Mo Qing's lazy voice came from the pit, "woman, you also look at the point to throw, don't throw me down."

Gu Xiaoran heard Mo Qing's voice and was relieved: "hold on for me. If you dare to fall down and feed the snake, I will not spare you."

Gu Xiaoran said, but he was not slow at all. He used the terrain to solve the killers who came in to clean them up one by one.

PS: today is new year's Eve. I wish my baby a happy new year and all my wishes come true. There are many handsome boys around my single baby, and there are many handsome boys around my no longer single baby, ha ha ~ ~

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