Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1816

If Mo Qing wants to save people, he can't chase them.

Wait for Mo Qing to rush up to save a person, they immediately around to come over, sneak attack from the side, push Mo Qing into the snake cellar.

Mo Qing scolded a voice: "damned."

When he saw the other side throwing people up, he guessed the other side's motive, but he had no choice but to rush forward.

"Be careful." Gu Xiaoran came, just saw the dusk, immediately threw out the rope, wrapped around the woman's waist, so that Mo Qing could be free to deal with his attacker.

Mo Qing heard Gu Xiaoran's voice, and her heart suddenly fell down.

He dodged the palm of his hand.

The man used enough strength to push. After the push, he lost his balance and fell into the snake pit.

"Help me!"

The man was so scared that he turned pale that he stretched out his hand to Mo Qing.

Mo Qing cold looking at, let that person fall down.

If he was pushed just now, it was mo Qing who fell down.

He has never been a soft hearted person, and will never rescue the enemy who wants to kill him one second before.

From the snake cellar came the tearing cry of the viper and the man's incessant scream.

Gu Xiaoran listened to the voice and thought that if he was a little late, the person who fell down might be mo Qing. He was scared out in a cold sweat.

The other saw that the attack had failed and immediately turned around and ran.

Mo Qing can't let him run away, bully the body and go after that person.

The man saw that Moqing swept over with one leg and ran to the side to escape, but his action was not as fast as Moqing, so he was swept to the ground with that leg.

The underground is in the shape of a funnel, and the ground is inclined. As soon as he fell down, he immediately rolled to the entrance of the snake cellar, which was concave in the middle.

Scared out of his wits, the man scratched his hands on the ground, trying to stabilize himself.

But the ground is very smooth tiles, there is no place to grasp, scream and slide into the snake cellar.

Gu Xiaoran was relieved to see that Mo Qing was OK.

Unexpectedly, the man who slipped into the snake cellar seized the woman's corner.

Drag the woman to the snake pit.

The woman was dragged around to show her face.

Yu Fang!

Yu Fang's clothes were torn, and the man fell down, but Yu Fang was also dragged down.

"Ma." Gu Xiaoran's face changed. He grabbed the rope and refused to let go.

Yu Fang is pulled down with great strength, and pulls Gu Xiaoran to the snake hole.

"Gu Xiaoran!" Mo Qing flies up and grabs Gu Xiaoran's hand. Gu Xiaoran pedals the entrance of the snake cellar. Then he stops and lowers his head to see Yu Fang hanging in the air.

Yu Fang is wearing the same clothes as she wears today.

Gu Xiaoran suddenly realized that Han Jinbiao's trap was not to catch her and use her to negotiate with Mo Qing, but to kill Mo Qing.

This discovery made her more and more frightened.

Listening to the screams coming from the snake cellar, I can't help thinking that if I hadn't been caught by Mo Qing, it would have been myself and my mother who were making this scream.

Hand hard, just want to try to pull up Yu Fang.

The door of the basement closed with a bang.

Gu Xiaoran's heart sank and looked at Mo Qing.

They don't know how many times they have experienced life and death together. The tacit understanding between them has become a habit, and they exchange eyes quickly.

No matter what will happen, the most important thing now is to get Yu Fang up first, otherwise, their situation will be completely passive.

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