Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1789

"Why do you think about it all of a sudden?" Mo Qing thought of those people's faces and frowned.

"My mother asked me to go back with her."

"When are you going?"


"Be careful. Call me if you need anything."


Gu family lost Miao Junlan's two daughters, but also all kinds of rumors, discredit their mother and daughter's reputation.

Mo Qing has long wanted to clean up Gu's garbage.

But Gu Xiaoran said that Gu's family's affairs had to be handled by her own, and Gu Zhengrong's prosperous Tang Dynasty involved Miao Junlan and Han Jinbiao, so he tolerated them for the time being.

Now Miao Junlan with her daughter, to take care of the family accounts, he naturally can not stop.

Gu Xiaoran went out of the school gate. There were more than ten black rolls Royces parked outside the school gate. In the middle was a mother's extended Rolls Royce.

Lao, a bodyguard in a black suit, was waiting in front of the car.

Gu Xiaoran came and opened the rear door.

In the car, Miao Junlan smiles at Gu Xiaoran, "get on the bus."


Gu Xiaoran saw Xiao Pian sitting on the other side of his mother's car, facing her eyes, and he didn't have any expression, but the mother and daughter were in the same car, which made Gu Xiaoran feel strange.

Seems to be warm

The bodyguard and so on Gu Xiaoran got on the car, closed the door and sat in the co driver's seat.

More than a dozen rolls Royces left the gate of university a neatly.

Miao Junlan took a daughter's hand and folded Gu Xiaoran's and Xiao Pian's hands on her lap. "It doesn't matter how you make trouble, but you must remember that you are sisters."

Gu Xiaoran and Xiao Pian did not hum.


Song Jiajia rushed out of the classroom and didn't want to go back to the dormitory. He took the subway to Linjiang.

Gu Liwen saw song Jiajia's sudden return, a little strange, and song Jiajia's face was not good-looking, "Jiajia, you didn't have class today?"


"Tomorrow is not the weekend. Why did you come back suddenly?"

"Come back if you want to." Song Jiajia is in a bad mood and impatient to talk to her mother.

"Have you talked to Miao San Shao recently?"

Song Jiajia usually lives in school. Gu Liwen doesn't know much about song Jiajia. When she comes back, if she doesn't ask all she wants to know, she won't let her go.

Mentioning Miao Zhining, song Jiajia was in a worse mood and said: "Mom, are you finished? I'm tired. I'm going to have a rest. "

With that, he slammed the door and shut Gu Liwen out.

"Jiajia -" Gu Liwen refused to beat the door.

Luo Meizhen's status at home has plummeted since Gu Shiman's accident. Gu Liwen sneers at Luo Meizhen secretly when she sees her. Luo Meizhen has long hated Gu Liwen.

Hearing Gu Liwen's mother and daughter's words, she came over and said in a strange way: "if you catch up with the Miao family, can you still go home? Do you still need to ask? If you look at the virtue, you will know that it's not going to work. It's also true that the Miao family's three young immortals are the same. Just like her, how can people look up to her. "

"What do you mean by her? You think I'm like your daughter? The mud that can't support the wall. "

"You..." Gu Shiman, who was kicked out by Ruan family, is Luo Meizhen's pain.

"OK, what's the noise? I don't think the house is chaotic enough?"

Gu Zhengdong and Gu Zhengfeng come back from the outside and see Luo Meizhen and Gu Liwen quarrel again. Gu Zhengdong immediately stops them.

"Husband, look at the second sister..."

"Well, say less."

Although Gu Shiman is disgraced, Gu Zhengdong is the boss of Gu family after all. Luo Meizhen and Gu Liwen dare not make any more noise.

All of a sudden, I saw a team of rolls Royces standing neatly at the door.

PS: good night!

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