Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1780

Although Gu Xiaoran didn't go back to the Miao family, Gu Xiaoran and Miao xiaopian are twin sisters. In the future, Miao xiaopian will have them. Can Gu Xiaoran still have them?

Miao Xiaofeng was afraid when she thought that with King Miao and her granddaughters, these nephews and grandsons would fall from the sky to the ground in the future.

But her brother gave Gu Xiaoran a different look, which made her even more annoyed.

"No Miao Zhining tone is not heavy, but there is no room for discussion.

Miao Xiaofeng was so angry that she glared at Gu Xiaoran and left with a group of bodyguards.

Gu Xiaoran and Miao Xiaofeng walked away and said with a smile, "you have nothing to say to me. Why should you be angry with your sister?"

"How do you know I didn't?"

"What do you want to say?" Gu Xiaoran couldn't think of anything to say to her.

"Gu Xiaoran, go back to the Miao family."

Gu Xiaoran did not expect that Miao Zhining would say this. He looked at him in surprise, "why do you let me go to the Miao family?"

"My uncle is old and lonely. He needs relatives around him."

"It's not you. Besides, Xiao Pian went back to the Miao family."

"After all, we are only grandchildren, and we have our own grandfathers Uncle and grandfather see us, will only be more lonely. And Xiao Pian Although she went back to the Miao family, her heart is not in the Miao family, let alone her uncle and grandfather. "

"And mu Qiubai. He was raised by the president. Their feelings are like their own grandchildren."

Miao Zhining looks at Gu Xiaoran. He doesn't believe that Gu Xiaoran doesn't know mu Qiubai doesn't live long.

In addition, although he didn't tell her the current situation of Mu Qiubai, he didn't believe that she really didn't know.

Gu Xiaoran raised his head to meet Miao Zhining's eyes and gave a smile.

She knows that mu Qiubai is going to treat a disease, and that mu Qiubai's condition is very bad, but she believes that mu Qiubai will survive and will come back.

Miao Zhining looks into Gu Xiaoran's eyes. Her eyes are as clear as a mountain spring.

"Gu Xiaoran -"


"Uncle and grandfather's game, you are not interested in participating?"

"The president wants you to pursue me, but he doesn't want me to pursue you."

Miao Zhining smiles. She is a very interesting girl. "Will you give me a chance?"


"That's a quick answer."

"I'm going in. Bye!"

Miao Zhining took a deep breath, looked up and saw that he had arrived at the door of Gu Xiaoran's teaching building.


Gu Xiaoran ran ran away.

Miao Zhining slightly pursed her lips, knowing that she would not agree, but he still wanted to have a try.

It's just, not now.

Gu Xiaoran came into the classroom and put out an arm to block her way.

Song Jiajia walks up to Gu Xiaoran and looks at her coldly. "Gu Xiaoran, you are just the illegitimate daughter of a humble mistress. You seduce Mo Qing by seducing her. It's a blessing that you saved the earth in your last life. Now you're going to hook up with the Miao family, so you're not afraid that Moqing will know, and you'll lose both ends? "

When the students in the classroom saw the play, they immediately gathered around.

"Lowly?" Gu Xiaoran's face cooled down.

"Yes, your mother is a bitch who sleeps ten thousand people for money. Don't think your real name is Gu. Your mother has slept with so many men in one night. Who knows which wild man won the bid and made you... "

"Pa -"

Gu Xiaoran waved his hand and fanned it heavily.

Song Jiajia's white face was suddenly covered with five finger marks. Song Jiajia did not expect that Gu Xiaoran would dare to beat her in the classroom, covered her hot face and was stunned, "dare you beat me?"

PS: good night!

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