Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1771

Later, people wake up, but their injuries have not yet fully healed.

It was because he had been lying for more than half a year that Miao Junlan had a chance to escape.

It's reasonable for Bai Mei to worry about Gu QingChu.

Miao Ruolan takes out Gu Tianlei's photo. This boy and Gu QingChu are just the same.

It's not Gu QingChu's son. She doesn't believe it.

But if he is Gu QingChu's son, who is Gu Tianlei's mother?

Bai Mei hangs up.

Zou Jue took out a temporary mobile phone card and handed it to her.

"The news has come out. Although the name of the suspect has not been written down, it will be known if someone has the intention to check. Feng's mother died in Tao Xia's family. Mo Zhenzhong knows the relationship between Tao Xia and Mohism and will not care. It's reasonable to know about Yu Ning. He's going to do it. It's time to do it. Can it be useful for your wife to call him? "

"If he doesn't, it means that Yu Ning is not the murderer. Yu Ning is not the murderer. When the police catch the real murderer, they will naturally release Yu Ning. "

"Since he knows that Yu Ning is not the murderer, he won't do it."

"So let him do it."

"I don't understand why king didn't do it because he knew the identity of Yu Ning."

"The general had two apprentices, both of whom were excellent and very independent, especially king. Yu Ning must do something to break King's bottom line. "

Bai Mei puts on a temporary card and sends a short message to Mo Zhenzhong, which shows Yu Ning's true identity in the army.

She can't reveal anything that Yu Ning has done.

But Mo Zhenzhong has contacts in the army. What he wants to know is that he can know more or less.

Mo Zhenzhong used to be a member of the special forces and participated in some secret activities. He knew that some things could not be disclosed.

Some abnormal means, if exposed, will cause social panic.

But in a peaceful situation, it is necessary to use some unknown and unusual means.

With this alone, Mo Zhenzhong will know how to do it.

"Madam, if you let out the identity of Yu Ning, you will be in trouble."

"Not so much now." Bai Mei believes that Mo Zhenzhong will not tell anyone about it, including Mo Qing.


Mo Zhenzhong didn't go to the police station immediately after receiving the text message, but went to visit an old classmate Ge Hui.

Ge Hui used to be the best forensic doctor in Seoul. He has retired, but now the man sitting on the top of the list of forensic doctors in Seoul is Ge Hui's son, Ge Ming.

Ge Hui and Mo Zhenzhong have been in contact with each other for a long time, drinking tea and doing sports together from time to time.

But when I come to him in the evening, I must have something to do.

"Between our brothers, we don't have to beat around the bush. Let's talk. What can I do for you?" Ge Hui made tea for Mo Zhenzhong and sat down on the mahogany sofa.

"Then I'll be straight."

"Go ahead."

"A homicide happened today, you know?"

"I know."

Although Ge Hui retired, his son was still in the Bureau. He naturally knew about the serious homicide cases.

"Now the suspect is my illegitimate daughter I'm sure she didn't kill people... "

"What do you mean?" Ge Hui frowned. Today's case is a homicide case. It's of a bad nature and there's no way to go along with human feelings. But Mo Zhenzhong opened his mouth. He can't help but let Mo Zhenzhong finish.

"I heard that the family members put forward all kinds of excessive demands to make things difficult, and the dissection was delayed, which can not prove my daughter's innocence."

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