Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1752

Yu Ning didn't drive to the door of Tao Xia's villa, but stopped outside another villa not far away. Then she got off with a suitcase and walked to Tao Xia's villa.

When I got to the door, I found that it was unlocked.

She thought it was the door that Feng's mother had left for her. After looking around, no one followed her, she pushed the door in.

Tao Xia, who is following Yu Ning's car, watches Yu Ning enter the house and immediately gets off. With the fastest speed, he opens Yu Ning's trunk, puts the fish gun used to kill Feng Ma into Yu Ning's trunk, closes the trunk, returns to his car and drives away.

When the car left the villa gate, I looked at the following table for half an hour.

She looks back at the camera behind her eyes and smiles with pride.

Rain congealed into the villa, can't see feng Ma, also can't hear any voice.

It's too quiet.

Excessive quiet, let her feel uncertain.

She turned around and walked away, but when she looked back, she saw the closed door inside, and she was a little unwilling to walk like this.

Yu Ning hesitated and went to the door. She put on her gloves, twisted the handle and pushed the door open. There was nothing in the bedroom.

Feng's mother is not here, and she has no children.

Is that phone call just now? Is it that Feng Ma wanted to inform her that she was taken away first?

But what about Feng Ma Ren?

She called Feng Ma and turned it off.

Damn it!

Yu Ning grinds her teeth and is ready to leave.

Passing by the kitchen door, I suddenly felt chilly.

Yu Ning walks into the kitchen and sees Feng Ma dead on the ground.

The rain set my heart down.

I want to go into the kitchen to see if there is any clue. I want to see who killed Feng ma. I hear the sound of locking the car, and then I hear the sound of the key.

Yu Ning was surprised and hurried out of the kitchen. She recognized that the sound came from the back door and ran to the front door.

Feng Ma died here, and she usually has no contact with Tao Xia. If she appears here, it's easy to get into trouble.

As soon as I went out and closed the door, I heard Tao Xia's voice, "Feng ma - Feng ma -"

Yu Ning left quickly.

Just out of the gate, I heard a scream from Tao Xia.

A killer will scream when he sees the dead?

Yu Ning gets into her car and drives away. From her rearview mirror, she sees Tao Xia staggering open the door and running out. She falls down on the ground and shakes.

It looks like it's scared.

Yu Ning disdained the corner of his mouth.

This bitch didn't know how many people she killed. Would she be so scared when she saw the dead?

Do it!

Tao Xia looks at Yu Ning's car butt, and a smile flashed in her eyes.

Security to Tao Xia, "Miss Tao, what's the matter with you?"

"Kill Kill I've killed... " Tao Xia, with a pale face, points to her house and stammers.

"What killed?"

"The dead There are dead people in the kitchen... "

The security guard was startled and contacted other security guards. When other security guards arrived, they went into the villa and saw Feng Ma who died on the ground.

Feng Ma has been taking Tingting, and the security guards recognize her.

Seeing that Feng's mother died with wide eyes, she was very frightening. She quickly backed out and called the police.

Ten minutes later, the police came.

Forensic preliminary look at the body, "the body is still a little warm, there is no spot, initially it seems that the time of death will not exceed half an hour. But the exact time needs to be determined by dissection. "

"Captain busy way:" check the community monitoring immediately

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