Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1749

Han Jinbiao is suspicious. If he agrees immediately, it will arouse his suspicion.

Tao Xia did not answer in silence.

Han Jinbiao waited for a while, but Tao Xia didn't make a sound. He snorted coldly, "are you afraid I won't give you Ganoderma lucidum?"

"My daughter doesn't dare to have such an idea, but Tingting's health is getting worse and worse. Can Godfather give me some blood Ganoderma lucidum first..."

"It won't work."


"Don't worry. I won't keep your daughter waiting. I will solve the Mohist problem soon. If you can't wait, you don't have to give it to me. But you have to know what will happen if Mo Zhenzhong knows who kidnapped his grandson. "

Tao Xia took a deep breath, let his tone sound helpless, "when to send the child, where to send it?"

"Where is the child?"

"In my house, it's safe to be watched." Tao Xia gently opened the back door of the garage, entered the house and closed the door. There was no sound in the whole process.

"Yes, later. I'll send you the time and address."


Tao Xia hangs up the phone and looks at the little simulation robot she is holding, with a hint of coldness in her mouth.

If Feng's mother is Han Jinbiao's person, Han Jinbiao will probably call Feng's mother immediately to confirm whether what she just said on the phone is true or false.

Such an important thing, Han Jinbiao will not use SMS confirmation, he has to personally hear the voice, will rest assured.

It's impossible for Feng Ma to set a ring for an important phone call. A call only vibrates, but as long as Feng Ma talks, she can hear it.

Tao Xia puts the robot on the ground and walks to Feng Ma's room.

Just after two steps, Feng Ma suddenly opened the door and came out. She was shocked to see Tao Xia in the living room. Then she saw "Xiao Han" standing on one side and was slightly stunned.

Pretending not to know each other, he asked, "Miss Tao, you are back."


Tao Xia nodded her head.

"Whose child is this?" Feng Ma goes to Xiaohan.

Tao Xia took the lead and picked up Xiaohan, "my friend's." With that, he went to his bedroom with Xiaohan in his arms.

She left Xiaohan in her bedroom and opened the door.

Feng Ma was still waiting in the hall. When she saw Tao Xia coming out alone, she closed the door and said, "Miss Tao, is it OK for such a small child to close the room alone?"

"It's OK. What can I do for you. Feng Ma, go and get me something to eat. " Tao Xia sat down on the sofa.


Feng Ma looked at the bedroom door suspiciously and went into the bedroom.

She made two sandwiches, made two glasses of milk, and took one of them to the dining room. When Tao Xia sat down at the dining table, she went to the kitchen to take another sandwich and milk and went to Tao Xia's bedroom.

When I opened the door, I saw the "child" standing in the room motionless, with his head slightly lowered, as if thinking about something.

Ma Feng came forward with a tray.

"What are you doing?"

Tao Xia's voice suddenly came from behind.

Feng's mother was surprised. She stopped quietly and turned around. "I want to send some food to my child."

"No, you don't care about the child. This room is not allowed to enter again without my permission. "


Feng Ma left Tao Xia's bedroom with a tray of sandwiches and milk.

When I went out, I looked back and found that the child was the same as before and didn't move at all.

She felt that Tao Xia looked at her and quickly lowered her head and went back to the kitchen.

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