Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1746

"Uncle ANN, thank you so much. I didn't take care of my child. I forgot to ask someone to make food for her." Bi Ying takes the empty bowl from Tingting.

Zhuo'an took the bowl from Bi Ying's hand and said with a smile, "you're in the same ward with Xiao Fei. I'll trouble you to take care of Xiao Fei in the future."

"Uncle ANN, it's all right." Bi Ying doesn't like the tone that zhuo'an treats Yu Fei as a family member, but when she answers, she has a respectful smile on her face.

Yu Fei is simple but sensitive. She can feel Bi Ying's hostility to her.

She doesn't know Bi Ying. There is only one possibility that Bi Ying is hostile to her. Bi Ying likes zhuoran.

Otherwise, Bi Ying will not look like a lamb in front of zhuo'an.

Zhuoran is so excellent, so good-looking, and very warm. She doesn't know that she has been blessed for several generations to meet such a good man.

Yu Fei's mouth slightly tilted up, suddenly glad that he knew Zhuo ran a few years ago, and met again.

Although he can't promise her now, he thinks of her everywhere.

Think of other adoring women, she is really lucky, not too much.

See Aunt Liu wash good bowl to come over, way: "aunt, you again take a accompany bed and a set of clean quilt."

Uncle an is old. If he wants to stay in the hospital tonight, she can't let uncle an sit on the chair all night like zhuoran.


Zhuo'an knew that Yu Fei was the escort bed for him. When he was in Myanmar, what did he suffer?

Sleeping on the sofa for a night is nothing to him, but Yu Fei's carefulness makes him very happy.

She takes care of people like this. If she can be with Zhuo ran in the future, Zhuo ran will be very happy.

In addition, Yu Fei is very clever. She doesn't ask anything about Zhuo ran or even mention him.

Tingting looks at zhuo'an and Yu Fei, and suddenly says, "aunt, I miss my father. Auntie, give dad a call for me. "

Bi Ying was stunned for a moment, "you haven't seen him before, how did you suddenly miss him? Besides, I'm a good living person, how to call the dead. Why are you such a strange child? "

Yu Fei mured for a moment and said, "Tingting's" Dad "is Zhuo ran."

Bi Ying's face changed and she immediately looked at Tingting seriously. "Tingting, is your father zhuoran?"

Tingting nodded, holding Bi Ying's hand, "Tingting wants to call her father."

"Isn't he your godfather? What do you call her father?" Bi Ying stares at Ting Ting, can't help suspecting that this dead girl is not her brother's daughter at all, but Zhuo Ran's?

She looked at Tingting's face carefully to see if she could find the outstanding shadow on her face.

"Tingting likes him and wants him to be my father." Tingting is uncomfortable to see that Zhuo an is kind to Yu Fei, so she deliberately calls Zhuo Ran's father. She reminds Zhuo an that she is only a five-year-old child. She doesn't think that this "father" will make Bi Ying think wrong.

"Don't talk nonsense. Dad can't yell. He can't be your dad."

Tingting see Biying face some gloomy, scared a white face, dare not speak.

Zhuo'an had heard Tingting call Zhuo Ran's father before, and he felt strange. At this time, Leng Bu Ding was shocked to hear Tingting call Zhuo Ran's father.

Looking at Yu Fei, "the child doesn't have a father, so it's very sticky. She just calls it that. Don't take it to heart."

His words are to appease Yu Fei, but also to bi Ying.

Let Bi Ying not doubt zhuoran.

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