Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1742

Bi Dahai came back. Although he contacted zhuo'an first, in his opinion, zhuo'an was a servant of Mohist school. Shaking hands with one servant was a bit cheap.

When he comes to Biying together, what he likes is the adopted son of a servant, so he feels uncomfortable.

However, Mo Zhenzhong insists on being a family member of zhuo'an. He looks down on zhuo'an in his heart, but he can't show it on his face.

"Ah an, thank you very much for the ward."

"I just want to thank you, and I have to thank others, Xiao Fei. That's Xiaofei's ward. If she doesn't agree, I can't let Tingting squeeze into it. " Zhuo'an said Yu Fei with a happy smile on his face.

"Yu Fei is really a rare good child." Mo Zhenzhong also appreciates Yu Fei.

"You are very familiar with that Yu Fei?"

Bi Dahai is a little confused. Gu Xiaoran and Mo Qing have the relationship of a fiancee. These old people are familiar with Gu Xiaoran and normal.

However, Mo Qing and Gu Xiaoran are not married yet, but their tone seems to have a good relationship with Gu Xiaoran's family.

Is the marriage between Moqing and Gu Xiaoran already fixed?

Mo Zhenzhong said: "I played with Yu Fei several times, but I had a good impression. Ah an and Yu Fei are very happy. "

It's just a matter of playing a few times.

Bi Dahai was a little relieved.

In his opinion, zhuo'an has always been with Mo Qing, and Yu Fei is Gu Xiaoran's aunt. Zhuo'an and Yu Fei are familiar with each other. No matter how normal they are, they don't take it too seriously.

"I heard that Moqing is getting married?"


Bi Ying and Mo Qing are the same year. It is said that they have not married yet. Bi Dahai suddenly brings Bi Ying back and asks about Mo Qing's marriage. Mo Zhenzhong immediately realizes that Bi Dahai is not drunk.

It's most likely for the marriage of the children.

Bi Shen died because of Mohism, and they owe this great favor. But it was Bi Ying who held Zhuo ran back and let so many Mohists die.

There is no way to settle this account.

Bi Dahai leaves Mohist school with Bi Ying. Mo Zhenzhong thinks that Bi Dahai leaves because of guilt.

Han Jinbiao's men ransacked the Mohist School and took away all the valuable things they could.

If they want to exchange the jewelry and antiques they take for money, they will certainly take them to the black market.

So, they sent people to stay in the black market. As long as the other party took out something to sell, they could follow the clues.

The lost jewelry of Mohist appeared in the black market.

To his surprise, it was Bi Dahai, not Han Jinbiao, who sold the jewelry.

Bi Dahai did not collude with Han Jinbiao to persecute Mohist school.

But he took the jewelry to sell, which shows that when the Mohist family had an accident, he did not stand up to protect the old and young women in the family, but hid with a pile of valuable things.

When Mo Zhenzhong got the news, his heart was cold.

However, everyone has his own ambition, and he can't force anyone to fight. Besides, Bi Dahai has lost his son.

The money for selling jewelry is enough for Bi Dahai's father and daughter to live a lifetime. That money should be regarded as compensation for the loss of his son.

Bi Dahai is smart. He has enough money to live for a lifetime. Instead of just living for a lifetime, he invests that money and buys Mohist stocks. He makes a lot of money.

Over the years, the Mohists have turned a blind eye to bi Shen's human feelings and let him get rich.

Money, Mo Zhenzhong can let Bi Dahai earn, but he can never let harm zhuoran miss the opportunity to save people, let more than 100 people of Mohist die in an unnatural way Bi Ying be Mohist's daughter-in-law.

PS: good night!

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