Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1716

At the same time, Xiao Pian also ran to Miao Junlan, pushed Gu Xiaoran away and held Miao Junlan, "Mom, what's the matter with you?"

Miao Junlan covered his chest and could not speak.

Xiao Pian was anxious and looked at Gu Xiaoran angrily. "What did you do to my mother?"

"We didn't do anything to mom, it was Mom..."

"Enough!" Xiao Pian used to think that she hated her mother. Even when she went back to the Miao family, she just benefited from this relationship. She had no feelings for Miao Junlan, but she was very angry when she looked at the blood on Miao Junlan's mouth and body.

"Gu Xiaoran, I believe you. I just let you stay. I didn't expect you to be such a person."

"Xiao Pian, it's nothing to do with Xiao ran." Miao Junlan's eyes can see again, take a deep breath, and finally press down the blood in her chest and say something.

Xiao Pian glared at Gu Xiaoran and took back his sight.

"How are you, Ma?"

"I'm fine, Xiao pian. Let's go."

Xiao Pian raises Miao Junlan.

Xiao ran went to support Miao Junlan's other arm, "Mom, I'll take you to the hospital."

Xiao Pian pushed her away. "You don't need to send her. Don't touch my mother."

"My mother, too."

"You've long been someone else's daughter, and you don't care about your mother's life and death."

Miao Junlan took a deep breath and endured the pain in his chest. "Don't make a noise. I won't go to the hospital. Xiao pian will take me back. Xiao ran, you have to have class tomorrow. Have a rest early. "

Yu Fang coldly looks at Miao Junlan walking slowly to the door.

Miao Junlan to the door, suddenly back.

Yu Fang is looking at Miao Junlan, suddenly and Miao Junlan's eyes on, after a Zheng, suddenly surprised, Miao Junlan once again to her hypnosis.

Startled, he was in a hurry.

Miao Junlan just recovered a little bit of Qi and blood, once again surged up, even more powerful than just now, if it was not for Xiao Pian's support, she directly sat down.

"Ma!" Gu Xiaoran realized that when her mother used Yu Fang to distract herself, she used hypnotism and mind reading again. She was anxious and angry. She had been hurt just now, but then she forced her to use Yu Fang's ability, which would hurt her even more.

Miao Junlan took a smooth breath, raised his hand to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth again, but he laughed, "Gu Qing is infected with the virus, there is no antidote Ha ha What a retribution! It's a pity that God didn't open his eyes and confiscated him to keep him alive... "

"You are so mean." Yu Fang was extremely angry.

Gu Xiaoran was shocked. Did his mother really see anything?

But Yu Fang's mind should be empty and his mother shouldn't have seen it.

Miao Junlan took a look at Gu Xiaoran, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was even stronger, "Xiaoran, you've been cheated. She has lost her memory, but she knows how to repair the damaged spirit. Her memory is recovering little by little

Yu Fang looks at Miao Junlan coldly. This woman is more terrible than she imagined.

"Xiao Pian, let's go." Miao Junlan's face is as white as a piece of paper. If she doesn't leave, she will faint here. She would rather die than lose her temper in front of Yu Fang.

"Wait a minute." Gu Tianlei, who has never spoken, suddenly opens his mouth.

"What do you want?" Xiao Pian looks warily at Gu Tianlei.

"She was so hurt that she couldn't get out of the alley."

"It's none of your business." Xiao Pian hates the people related to Yu Fang.

"I'm a doctor. I can't ignore her injuries in my house." Gu Tianlei helped Yu Fang to sit down, "Mom, take a rest first."

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