Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1713

"Tianlei, be obedient." Yu fangrou coaxed.

Gu Tianlei looks at the silent Gu Xiaoran.

Gu Xiaoran was not at ease to let them get along alone. He didn't hum or leave.

"Mom, if you want to ask anything, just ask like this. It's not an outsider."

Miao Junlan sneered, "Xiao ran, she saved you. You are right to be grateful, but she is not kind to me So if it's not an outsider, I don't think we should talk about it any more. "

Gu Xiaoran's heart sank. Did Yu Fang intervene in her mother's imprisonment?

"I'm not going out anyway. I want to hear your questions."

Miao Junlan looked at Gu Tianlei, "OK, you can stay, but he can't."

"What you're asking is that it's my mother and I have the right to stay here." Gu Tianlei also refused to give in.

Xiao Pian turned his wrist, holding a miniature handgun, the barrel of which pointed at Gu Tianlei's head, "get out!"

Gu Tianlei squint, see the gun handle in xiaopian's hand, sneer, "do you dare?"

"Xiao Pian, don't mess about." Gu Xiaoran's face changed.

"What are you doing? Put the gun down." Yu Fang didn't expect that the other party was carrying a gun with him. He was anxious and angry.

"Get out." Xiao Pian ignores everyone and looks at Gu Tianlei directly.

Gu Tianlei sneered and ignored.

"Tianlei, why don't you go out first?"

Gu Xiaoran looks at the gun on Gu Tianlei's head, his heart is straight.

This is a legal society. Although she doesn't believe Xiao Pian dares to shoot casually, if the gun goes off accidentally, it will kill Tian Lei.

"Why?" Gu Tianlei disdains a way: "have kind to shoot."

"You don't think I dare?" Xiao Pian pulls the trigger slowly.

Gu Xiaoran swept the cup on the table to the ground. The cup fell to the ground and broke with a "bang".

Xiao Pian can't help but turn his head.

Gu Xiaoran takes this opportunity to lift xiaopian's wrist and let the muzzle of the gun leave Gu Tianlei's head.

Xiao Pian returns to his senses and immediately strikes back, but Gu Tianlei has already taken the lead and snatched the gun from Xiao Pian's hand. The muzzle of the gun turns to hold Xiao Pian's head.

"Tianlei." Gu Xiaoran knew that Tianlei could not shoot, but the gun was too dangerous, and no one could guarantee that it would not go off.

Gu Tianlei ignored Gu Xiaoran and pressed the barrel against Xiao Pian's head. "What's the taste of being held by a gun?"

Xiao Pian sneered, but it's common for her to be stuck with a gun. "Boy, if you can't play with a gun, don't point it at others. Otherwise, I will die every minute. "

"I also advise you that if you don't dare to kill people, don't take a gun with you all day. One day, you will burn yourself."

Gu Tianlei doesn't care about Xiao Pian's threat. He takes the gun away from Xiao Pian's head and throws it back to her.

Xiao Pian catches the gun and finds that the magazine has been lowered. He is stunned and looks at Gu Tianlei.

Gu Tianlei threw his magazine into the fish tank beside him.

Xiao Pian looked at the slow to the bottom of the magazine, speechless.

I didn't expect that this boy was a good gun player.

Gu Xiaoran also had some accidents.

Tianlei in such a short period of time under the magazine, the technique is fast, even she did not see.

Such a quick technique must be familiar with guns.

She knew that Gu Tianlei liked to play field games. She didn't expect that he could practice his gun so skillfully in that place.

Yu Fang sees that xiaopian's hand is a gun, and she is more sure of her own ideas. The other side is not easy to talk.

She didn't want Gu Tianlei to have another conflict with the other party and said, "what do you want to say, say it."

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