Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1710

Gu Tianlei closed the door of the disinfection cupboard, stood up straight, carrying Gu Xiaoran on his back, and suddenly said, "Gu Xiaoran, who's your father?"

Gu Xiaoran lightly pursed his lips. Her father was also his father. He asked her father, that is, his father.

Gu Xiaoran impulsively told Gu Tianlei that when she was his sister, he knew that he would ask about his father.

These two days, she has been thinking about how to tell his father, but after thinking about it for two days, there is no proper explanation.

"He He is a very good man

"Excellent? How to do it? " Gu Tianlei starts to laugh and give birth to a child, but he abandons the child. Even if he is good, he is a scum.

"I have the ability to do a lot of great things and serve the country wholeheartedly."

"For the country? Civil servants or senior officials? "

"Tianlei, don't ask. He doesn't know we exist."

"It's not us, it's you." Gu Tianlei cold face, everywhere scattered seeds, sprinkled on the left man, really slag to the extreme.

"You still don't believe me?"

"You can't say anything. Why should I believe it?"

Gu Xiaoran is silent, not unable to speak, not able to speak.

Their organization has retired, but there has been no news from their father.

She didn't know where her father was or what he was like.

Did they quit like Mo Qing, or were they transferred to other places.

No matter what his current situation is, Gu Xiaoran can be sure that his identity in the organization must not be disclosed.

Gu Tianlei waited for a moment, but Gu Xiaoran didn't answer. He turned around and came to her, staring at her.

"I can't tell, can I?"

"Tianlei, I won't lie to you."

"Enough, unless you bring that man to me and have enough evidence to prove that you and I are his children, otherwise, don't say it in front of me in the future."

"Tianlei, can you be more rational?"

"I'm not rational? You keep everything from me, but you want me to believe your ridiculous words. Gu Xiaoran, you think I'm a fool, don't you

Gu Xiaoran looked at Gu Tianlei's angry eyes, and his heart was filled up.

She also wanted to make it clear, but if she wanted to make it quick, it would bring all kinds of unexpected consequences in the future.

Yu Fang's footsteps come from the yard. They are silent at the same time. Gu Xiaoran lowers his head to clean up the kitchen, while Gu Tianlei turns and walks out of the kitchen.

"Tianlei, why are your eyes so red?" Yu Fang saw that Gu Tianlei's eyes were red.

"I just got into the sand and rubbed it."

"I'm sorry you're still learning medicine. If you enter something, you can use eye drops to flush it out. How can you rub it with your hands. Squat down and I'll see. "

"It's out. It's OK." Gu Tianlei reached for Yu Fang's shoulder and said, "Mom, you've been at home for a long time. I'll go out with you."

"Come on, you're a big star. If you go out with you, you won't be recognized by many of your fans immediately."

"What are you afraid of? You are my mother, recognized by others. Let's take some beautiful pictures of mother and son. "

"I don't want to be surrounded by monkeys. If you want to go out, put on your mask."

"It's too shabby to go out with my mother and wear a mask."

"You can't go out without it."

"OK, OK, I'll wear it, OK?"

Gu Tianlei looks back at Gu Xiaoran. If he stays here, he will collapse.

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