Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1682

On the table in the small warehouse, there was a cleaner.

Gu Xiaoran walked up to her and looked at her carefully for a while. He found that she was just asleep. It should be Yu Fang who drugged her. Then he disguised himself as a cleaner to see Yu Fei.

Gu Xiaoran came out of the warehouse and went back to the ward to see that Yu Fei was awake, while Yu Fang, who was dressed as a cleaner, was changing the sheets for Yu Fei.

Gu Xiaoran came forward to help.

Yu Fang stopped Gu Xiaoran, "I'll do it myself."

"Take it easy with your hands."

"You're not used to moving patients. On the contrary, it's easy to hurt patients."

Yu Fang is an excellent doctor and naturally knows how to care.

Gu Xiaoran no longer insisted.

When Yu Fang was changing the sheets for Yu Fei, her movements were very troublesome and light. She didn't hurt Yu Fei at all.

She even changed the pillows together, and then withdrew.

"Thank you." Yu Fei struggled to speak.

"It's what I should do." Yu Fang calculates the time, the cleaner is about to wake up, no longer delay, pushing the cleaning car away.

Gu Xiaoran watched Yu Fang leave, but his heart was in chaos.

She follows Yu Fang and sees her being bullied by Han Jinbiao, but she doesn't know what she sees is just the tip of the iceberg.

Han Jinbiao is not good at that aspect. He should have come up with so many abnormal methods to use on Yu Fang.

Although Yu Fang said that she poisoned Han Jinbiao when she changed her appearance, when Han Jinbiao got deeply poisoned, she had to take the bleeding Ganoderma lucidum.

Although Gu Xiaoran hates Han Jinbiao and loves Yu Fang, she also acquiesces in waiting for the overall situation.

But she couldn't wait any longer for the twilight scene she saw just now.

She couldn't bear the humiliation of the adoptive mother who snatched her back from the gate of death.

Gu Xiaoran helped Yu Fei tuck in the quilt. "Auntie, you sleep for a while, I'll go out for a while, and I'll bring you breakfast later."

When Yu Fei answered, Gu Xiaoran quickly went out of the ward and sent a message to Li Yang, "help me take care of Yu Fei."

Gu Xiaoran still tracks Yu Fang with the signal on her mobile phone and finds that her direction is the direction of the bus station.

I rushed to the parking lot, drove in front of Yu Fang and went to the noodle shop.

We must also talk with Yu Fang again and persuade her to withdraw from the plan. If Yu Fang refuses, she can only use the strong.

Gu Xiaoran went to the small noodle shop and looked left and right. On the surface, she couldn't see anyone watching. If there were people hidden in the dark, she didn't know.

However, she is determined to let Yu Fang get rid of Han Jinbiao, so she doesn't care about those who are hiding in the dark.

She quickly opened the lock, entered the noodle shop, went up to the second floor and waited for Yu Fang to come back.

I happened to see the small refrigerator in the corner of the house. I suddenly remembered that once she went to a small noodle shop to eat noodles. She went very early. The small noodle shop had just opened its door, and she saw Yu Fang putting things into the refrigerator.

It's normal to open a noodle shop and store food in a refrigerator.

She didn't feel anything at that time, but she thought about it for no reason.

Is there something wrong with what I put that day?

She thought of this and immediately went downstairs and opened the refrigerator.

There are fresh-keeping boxes in the refrigerator, which contain all kinds of food materials.

For a noodle shop owner, the refrigerator storage of these things, will never let people have any ideas.

But Gu Xiaoran always believed in her sixth sense. She moved these boxes away, took out the freshest box, opened it and filled it with bean paste.

Is she thinking too much?

Gu Xiaoran looked at the bean paste in his hand and was about to put it back. He suddenly changed his mind and took a pair of chopsticks to stir it into the bean paste.

PS: I also want to spend more time on holiday, because the girls have more time on holiday, but the holiday is the most headache day for me, because I have to go back to my mother-in-law's house to accompany the elderly (a compulsory course for women)! My mother-in-law's house is not near. It takes two hours to drive back and forth at high speed. It's already dark when I come back from dinner. After I come back, I can't code until I finish cleaning up my children. It's very hard. Babies who are still at school can't understand it, but girls who are at home can.

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