Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1673

Gu Xiaoran see a doctor and nurse to Yu Fei's ward, know to check, immediately with the past.

Yu Fei postoperative effect is not bad, next, only need peace of mind treatment.

Gu Xiaoran felt relieved, saw off the doctor, went back to the bed and sat down. Seeing Yu Fei listless, he held her hand and said, "I miss my little uncle?"

Yu Fei wry smile, "he sent me to the hospital on the way, has been calling my name, do not let me sleep. I thought he was It seems that I'm being amorous again. "

"I asked Mo Qing just now. My little uncle is really busy. He really can't smoke."

"I always think that if you care about someone, her life must be more important than everything else I know that I shouldn't think so, but I can't help feeling that as long as he cares about me a little bit, he should come to see me.... "

Gu Xiaoran heart said, Zhuo Ran is too care about you, afraid that you are involved by him in danger, just away from you.

But in this case, she can't say, and she will be worried.

If my aunt shows something different, Zhuo Ran's painstaking efforts will be in vain.

"Auntie, you think too much. The most important thing for you now is to recover and leave the hospital early. "

Mo Qing was injured, and my aunt was injured again.

Gu Xiaoran has a lot to do, but because of the injuries of Mo Qing and Yu Fei, he is stuck in the hospital and can't do anything.

In particular, when Han Jinbiao's whereabouts are found, she stays in the hospital and has no idea what Mo Qing and Zhuo ran are going to do next.

It's like she throws them a bomb that explodes all the time, and then she pats her ass and walks away, no matter they're dead or alive.

It felt like thousands of needles were pricking her, making her fidgety.

But she just out of danger to Yu Fei, of course anxious, but still can not show.

Gu Xiaoran thought of Yu Fang's message to Han Jinbiao that the child should move as soon as possible.

In other words, Tao Xia will meet Han Jinbiao soon.

This was originally the bait to lure Han Jinbiao out, but with the emergence of the problem of blood Ganoderma lucidum, things have become complicated. Tao Xia has a simulated robot in her hand, which can't be handed over to Han Jinbiao. So how do Moqing and zhuoran do to pass the test?

Gu Xiaoran thought of this and unconsciously stroked the ring on his middle finger.

Ear seems to ring Mo Qing's voice, "after this, we get married."

After that?

How to live?

Gu Xiaoran suddenly felt a little cold and a strong sense of uneasiness.

Does Mo Qing want to ignore Xue lingzhi and attack Han Jinbiao?

Looking at Yu Fei sleeping on the bed, she picks up her mobile phone, goes out of the ward and goes to the end of the corridor where no one will hear her and calls Mo Qing.

Shut down!

Gu Xiaoran's forehead suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Even if Mo Qing turns off, her mobile phone can also dial him through the internal network between them.

But if he's in the lurking state now, the phone rings will expose his whereabouts and put him in danger.

Gu Xiaoran turns on signal tracking.

Bihai villa!

What is he doing there?

In Gu Xiaoran's memory, Moqing had no contact with Bihai villa.

Is Han Jinbiao hiding in Bihai villa?

Gu Xiaoran quickly made a phone call to Zhuo ran and turned it off.

There is no intranet between her mobile phone and zhuoran's mobile phone. She can't track zhuoran's location, but she intuitively feels that Moqing and zhuoran are together.

More and more sure that the two of them are looking for Han Jinbiao.

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