Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1669

There is also Han Jinbiao fawning on the Rothschild family, he is afraid of long dreams.

That's why he wanted to do it ahead of time.

Zhuo ran see Mo Qing no longer speak, pat his shoulder, turned out of the study.

Zhuo ran came out of the South Bay, feeling really hard.

Not in a hurry to go back to bed, I drove away from Nanwan and went to my sister's graveyard.

Thought to find Han Jinbiao, even if it can't all end, at least big revenge can be.

But a blood Ganoderma lucidum has broken all plans, a good game of chess has become a dead end.

All the work ahead is in vain.

Everything has to be planned again, and revenge is in the future.

Zhuo ran stroked his sister's stone tablet with his fingers, and his heart was as heavy as a piece of lead.

He stood in front of the tombstone for a long time, then sighed, turned away and walked to the parking lot of the cemetery.

A car passed him.

In the car sat a very beautiful young woman.

The woman inadvertently looked out of the car through the window, a handsome cold face reflected into her eyes, and her body froze and froze.

Back to God, quickly fell down the glass, the slender figure has come to the front of a car, busy cry: "stop."

Before the car stopped, zhuoran got on the car and drove away in the opposite direction.

The woman chased two steps, failed to catch up, quickly get back on the car, "follow that car."

Zhuo ran saw a car following him in the rearview mirror and frowned. The car suddenly turned around and slid into the next lane.

The woman's driver didn't expect that the car in front of her suddenly changed direction and drove too far. When she turned back, zhuoran's car had disappeared.

The woman thought about it and reported a place name.

Out of the city, on the highway, far away from Seoul, to the ruins, just told the driver to stop.

She got out of the car and turned around to a shabby house.

See Zhuo Ran Jing stand there, looking at in front of already broken building.

Still so good-looking eyebrows, but more indifferent than before, but such indifference makes him more masculine and more handsome.

The woman ran in front of him, choked in her throat and called in a low voice, "Ninth master."

Zhuo ran coldly glanced at her one eye, "you recognize the wrong person." Ignore her, turn around and go.

All these years, she thought about him all the time. At this time, she saw that she was willing to miss him and catch up with him. "I won't admit my mistake, Jiuye You're not dead. "

Zhuo Ran's thick eyebrows gradually tightened, slowly turned around and said in a cold voice: "yes, I'm not dead. I've let your Bi family down."

The woman's pretty face turned pale and colorless. "Biying is sorry for Jiuye, but Biying really didn't mean to..."

Zhuo Ran has no expression and doesn't want to look at her again.

Bi Yingfei rushes forward and asks him not to go. She stretches out her hand but doesn't dare to touch his body. She looks at him walking away slowly and sobs: "Bi Ying has thousands of mistakes. She can be beaten and scolded by Jiu Ye, but she asks Jiu Ye not to ignore Bi Ying for his brother's sake."

Zhuo ran at the foot of a meal, the voice is cold like floating from the ground, "if not for your brother's sake, how can I allow the Bi family to stay until now?"

With that, he left quickly.

Bi Ying's feet softened and she sat down in tears.

In those years, Cheng Guoliang met with great trouble in Myanmar and asked Mohist for help.

At that time, Zhuo ran and Mo Qing were away from home. Mo Zhenzhong, the leader of the Mohist family, took people to Myanmar to rescue them, leaving Zhuo Yue with a few brothers to guard the Mohist family.

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