Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1666

Mo Qing walked up to Zhuo ran, "don't you go and have a look?"

"No Zhuo ran took a deep breath and waved away his depression. He already had too much concern to be influenced by this undeserved emotion.

"Then you go back first, I'll see, and I'll go back later."

"You're not going back to the hospital?" Mo Qing has not been discharged, know Yu Fei out, rushed to come.

"I'm all right. I'll check in tomorrow morning."

Zhuo ran nodded and went to the elevator.

They are all people who roll over at the muzzle of the gun. Even if they are injured, they are not so coquettish. If they can't die, they won't stay in the hospital.

Mo Qing watched Zhuo ran leave, then took out his mobile phone, "Xiao ran, which ward?"

Gu Xiaoran reported the ward number.

Moqing hangs up and goes to the elevator.

Gu Xiaoran covers the quilt for Yu Fei, and sees Mo Qing come in from the door alone, but does not see Zhuo ran, "where's my little uncle?"

"He has something to do. He'll go first."


Zhuo Ran has been in the operating room, his eyes are red.

Now the operation is over, but Zhuo ran doesn't come to the ward to have a look, which shows that Zhuo ran doesn't want his aunt to enter his life.

Gu Xiaoran was a little sad. Looking at Mo Qing, he suddenly felt that he was luckier than his aunt. No matter what happened in the future, he could at least stand beside him.

Mo Qing saw Gu Xiaoran's loss flashing through his eyes and put his hand on her shoulder. "Zhuo ran didn't want to hurt her."

"I understand." Gu Xiaoran raised his hand and held Mo Qing's big hand on her shoulder. "King, we'll face it together."

She understood that she was different from them. She was just an ordinary girl. She didn't want her to be in danger because of his hatred.

Zhuoran is the second leader of Mohist school. The closer he and his aunt get to each other, the more dangerous their situation will be.

Zhuo Ran's estrangement from her is her protection.

But such protection, let Gu Xiaoran unspeakable sad.

She doesn't need such protection. She wants to fight side by side with Mo Qing.

It used to be his shadow and help, and now it is

"Good." Mo Qing's eyes darkened.

"Your injury is not good. Go back and have a rest. I have to stay here today to look after my aunt. I can't accompany you any more. "

"Well, I'm leaving. Call me if you need anything."


Mo Qing has something to talk with Zhuo ran. He can't stay here any longer.

"I'll take you out."

"No, you look at Yu Fei."

Mo Qing presses Gu Xiaoran who wants to get up, looks at Yu Fei, turns and walks away.

Gu Xiaoran holds Yu Fei's hand and feels the blood on her hand.

I got up to fetch water to wipe her.

Clean up the blood on Yu Fei's hands and face, Yu Fei suddenly moved.


Gu Xiaoran immediately came to the bedside.

Yu Fei slowly opened her eyes and saw Gu Xiaoran's concerned expression. A cool voice seemed to ring in her ear, "don't sleep."

After all, she fell asleep, looking to the left and right, not seeing zhuoran, slightly disappointed.

"Where am I?"

"In the hospital."

Yu Fei immediately smelled the unique smell of disinfectant in the hospital, and thought of what Zhuo ran said, "we have arrived at the hospital..."

"Auntie, how do you feel?"

"I can't move."

"You haven't used any anesthetic yet. You can't move."

"What about Zhuo ran?"

"He went to work."

"Oh." Yu Fei lowered her eyelids.

"He didn't leave until you got out of the operating room."

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