Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1654

"Miss Yu, please come back to the police station with us and record your confession." Xiao said.

"OK, but I just called someone from 4S to come. Can you wait for a while, I'll deal with the matter of getting off the bus first." Yu Fei knew that after this incident, someone was injured, and it was impossible to leave like this.

"No problem."

Captain Xiao looked at the man in leather, "are you fighting these people?"

The man nodded.

Yu Fei said: "he saved me."

Captain Xiao nodded his head and motioned his men to arrest all the people lying underground.

Yu Fei and other hooligans were all arrested before they asked the man in leather, "I haven't asked your name yet."

"Li Yang."

The man took off his helmet. He was a 20-year-old boy with a lot of spirit.

"Yu Fei." Yu Fei introduces herself.

"I know."

"You know?"

Li Yang smiles.

"Why are you here?" Yu Fei recalled what happened today. If Li Yang hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable and he couldn't help but be afraid.

"Go back and ask the ninth master."

Yu Fei was stunned.

The mobile phone rings and the display is zhuoran.

Yu Feifei answers the phone quickly.

"How are you?" Zhuo Ran's voice is as cool as ever, but it warms Yu Fei's whole heart.

"I'm nothing." Yu Fei touched his forehead. His hands were stained with blood. He broke the skin and hissed. It hurt.

"Hurt?" Zhuo ran heard Yu Fei's voice.

"A little bit of skin. It's nothing. By the way, Li Yang, did you ask him to come? "


"How did he come so soon?" Zhuoran doesn't know where she is, but Li Yang can arrive in time. Yu Fei suddenly feels that Li Yang is following her.

"Come back and I'll tell you."

"Yes, but I'll go to the police station again." There are police here. Yu Fei doesn't ask any more.

"I've arranged a lawyer for you. When you get to the police station, you can tell me what's going on."


Yu Fei and zhuoran talk on the phone. They are no longer afraid. They hang up the phone and see Li Yang looking at her. They can't help laughing at him.

Li Yang thought of Yu Fei's forceps and couldn't help laughing.

"Are you Jiuye's woman?"

"Ah? It's not... "

"The first time I saw Jiuye angry because of a woman."

Li Yang raised his eyebrows. Before he was arranged to protect Yu Fei, when he saw Yu Fei, he didn't think much about it. He thought he was just protecting Gu Xiaoran's family.

But just now when he called Jiuye and asked how to deal with these scum, he was almost frozen by Jiuye's voice through his mobile phone.

At that time, he felt that he was not protecting Gu Xiaoran's family.

"Jiuye has a sense of justice. Maybe he was angry because he saw so many of them bullying a woman of mine."

A sense of justice?

Li Yangyang raised his eyebrows.

Some people used to say that Jiuye was cruel, ferocious and attached importance to friendship, but it was the first time that the sense of justice was evaluated.

Looking at Yu Fei again, I felt a little familiar, "where do we seem to have met?"

Yu Fei has no impression of Li Yang.

Li Yang frowned and thought, "ah, I remember. When you were in the United States, were you caught by human flesh dealers and then saved? You and Jiuye that night... "

Although Yu Fei didn't know Li Yang, he immediately realized that there was Li Yang in the team who saved her.

An insider who knows that she warms Zhuo Ran's bed.

Face suddenly like a fire, hot hot hot, fortunately at night, can't see.

PS: good night!

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